O. Venter , H. L. Beyer , E. Hammill , H. P. Possingham
congress on modelling and simulation 1427 -1433
C. A. Runge , J. E. M. Watson , S. H. M. Butchart , J. O. Hanson
Science 350 ( 6265) 1255 -1258
J Schoenjahn , DW Mullin , CR Pavey , GA McCulloch
CSIRO Publishing 381 -383
Christopher J. Brown , Michael Bode , Oscar Venter , Megan D. Barnes
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 112 ( 32) 201509189
Claire A. Runge , Andrew J. Plantinga , Ashley E. Larsen , David E. Naugle
Journal of Applied Ecology 56 ( 1) 52 -62
Claire A. Runge , John C. Withey , David E. Naugle , Joseph E. Fargione
PLOS ONE 14 ( 1) e0209619
Claire A. Runge , Eduardo Gallo-Cajiao , Mark J. Carey , Stephen T. Garnett
Conservation Letters 10 ( 6) 765 -772
Ayesha I.T. Tulloch , Ascelin Gordon , Claire A. Runge , Jonathan R. Rhodes
Conservation Letters 12 ( 4) 1 -11
Claire A. Runge , Ayesha Tulloch , Edd Hammill , Hugh P. Possingham
Conservation Biology 29 ( 3) 865 -876
Claire A. Runge , Ayesha I. T. Tulloch , Ascelin Gordon , Jonathan R. Rhodes
Conservation Biology 31 ( 6) 1428 -1438
Halley E. Froehlich , Claire A. Runge , Rebecca R. Gentry , Steven D. Gaines
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 115 ( 20) 5295 -5300
Claire A. Runge , Ayesha I. T. Tulloch , Hugh P. Possingham , Vivitskaia J. D. Tulloch
Diversity and Distributions 22 ( 3) 332 -343
Claire A. Runge , Remi M. Daigle , Vera H. Hausner
PLOS ONE 15 ( 1)
Claire Runge , James Watson , Richard Fuller
Thierry Paulmier , Claire Runge , John Bell , Peter Fredericks
Materials Forum
Lorena Muñoz , Vera Helene Hausner , Claire Runge , Greg Brown
People and Nature 2 ( 2) 437 -449
Lorena Muñoz , Vera Hausner , Greg Brown , Claire Runge
Tourism Management 71 259 -271
Claire Runge
University of Queensland Library
Claire Runge , Ayesha IT Tulloch
Australian Zoologist 39 ( 2) 280 -295
Dejan Stojanovic , Laura Rayner , Ayesha Tulloch , Ross Crates
Austral Ecology 47 ( 2) 251 -260