Kimberly F. Sellers , K. Nicole Meyer , Maria A. Terres , Samantha Tyner
Chance 27 ( 4) 23 -25
Heike Hofmann , Dianne Cook , Andee Kaplan , Eric Hare
visual analytics science and technology 161 -162
Heike Hofmann , Dianne Cook , Andee Kaplan , Eric Hare
visual analytics science and technology 159 -160
Michael Dairyko , Lara Pudwell , Samantha Tyner , Casey Wynn
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 19 ( 3) 22
Shauna L. Hallmark , Samantha Tyner , Nicole Oneyear , Cher Carney
Journal of Safety Research 54 17 -27
Shauna Hallmark , Nicole Oneyear , Bo Wang , Samantha Tyner
international conference on intelligent transportation systems 2237 -2242
Shauna L Hallmark , Nicole Oneyear , Samantha Tyner , Bo Wang
SHRP 2 Report ( SHRP 2 Report S2-S08D-RW-1)
Michael Dairyko , Lara Pudwell , Samantha Tyner , Casey Wynn
Samantha Tyner , Dianne Cook
The American Statistician 68 ( 4) 313 -314
Michael Dairyko , Lara Pudwell , Samantha Tyner , Casey Wynn
arXiv preprint arXiv:1203.0795
Nicole Oneyear , Shauna Hallmark , Samantha Tyner , Daniel McGehee
Development of rural curve driving models using lateral placement and prediction of lane departures using the SHRP 2 naturalistic driving data 1001 24 -24
Sam Tyner , François Briatte , Heike Hofmann
R Journal 9 ( 1) 27 -59
S Tyner , H Hofmann
R package version 0.2. 0
Samantha Carroll Tyner