JM Amezaga , IR Calder , J Garratt , C Batchelor
Proceedings of the International Symposium: Global Governance of Water: Water and Human Security
CG Kilsby , CL Walsh , HG Orr , Arg Large
The EGU General Assembly
Arg Large
British Hydrological Society Occasional Paper
Pygott , Arg Large
Rehabilitation of rivers: Principles and Practice
K Prach , Arg Large
United Kingdom Floodplains
PM Wade , Arg Large , de, Waal, Lc
Newcastle University
Arg Large
Journal of Vegetation Science
JM Amezaga , IR Calder , D Orange , F Clément
Survival of the Commons: Mounting challenges and new realities
PM Wade , CJ Gippel , Arg Large , de, Waal, Lc
Archiv Fur Hydrobiologie
LC Batty , PL Younger , WM Mayes , Arg Large
2nd International Symposium on Wetland Pollutant Dynamics and Control, WETPOL 2007
G.L. Heritage , B.P. Moon , A.R.G. Large
Koedoe 44 ( 2) 1 -6
G.L. Heritage , B.P. Moon , G.P. Jewitt , A.R.G. Large
Koedoe 44 ( 1) 37 -44
D.J. Milan , G.L. Heritage , A.R.G. Large , M.E. Charlton
Catena 44 ( 2) 85 -109
E. Rollason , L.J. Bracken , R.J. Hardy , A.R.G. Large
Journal of Hydrology 562 267 -280
Milan , DJ , Heritage , GL
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 35 ( 8) 918 -931
E. Rollason , L.J. Bracken , R.J. Hardy , A.R.G. Large
Journal of Environmental Management 228 267 -278
W.M. Mayes , A.R.G. Large , P.L. Younger
Environmental Pollution 138 ( 3) 443 -454
A.R.G. Large , W.M. Mayes , M.D. Newson , G. Parkin
Applied Vegetation Science 10 ( 3) 417 -428
H.G. Orr , A.R.G. Large , M.D. Newson , C.L. Walsh
Geomorphology 100 ( 1) 32 -40
G.L. Heritage , A.R.G. Large , B.P. Moon , G. Jewitt
Catena 58 ( 2) 151 -181