David Infield , Stephan Weiss , Jethro Dowell , Alice Malvaldi
Springer-Verlag 1 -12
David Infield , David Hill , Stephan Weiss , Jethro Dowell
european signal processing conference 1 -5
Jethro Dowell
University of Strathclyde
Jethro Dowell , Stephan Weiss , David Infield
2014 International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (PMAPS) 1 -5
Jethro Dowell , Stephan Weiss , David Infield , Swati Chandna
ieee signal processing workshop on statistical signal processing 29 -32
Jethro Dowell , Pierre Pinson
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 7 ( 2) 763 -770
Jethro Dowell , Stephan Weiss , David Infield
power and energy society general meeting 1 -5
Jethro Dowell , Graeme Hawker , Keith Bell , Simon Gill
power and energy society general meeting 1 -5
Jethro Dowell , Stephan Weiss , David Hill , David Infield
Wind Energy 17 ( 12) 1945 -1955
Ricardo J Bessa , Jethro Dowell , Pierre Pinson
Smart Grid Handbook 1 -21
Laura Cavalcante , Ricardo J Bessa , Marisa Reis , Jethro Dowell
working paper
Jethro Dowell , Stephan Weiss , David Hill , David Infield
EWEA Annual Conference
Jethro Dowell , Stephan Weiss , David Hill , David Infield
Jethro Dowell , A Zitrou , L Walls , T Bedford
European Safety and Reliability Association Conference 743 -750
Jethro Dowell
Jethro Browell
36th International Symposium on Forecasting
Jethro Browell , David McMillan
University of Strathclyde
Gregor Giebel , Jakob W. Messner , Aidan Tuohy , John Zack
17th Wind Integration Workshop
Ciaran Gilbert , Jethro Browell , David McMillan
39th International Symposium on Forecasting
Adam Stock , Jethro Browell , David McMillan
University of Strathclyde