Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 999 ( 1) 497 -505
Lyn Tett , Katie Overy , Fergus McNeill , Richard Sparks
Katie Overy , Kirstin Anderson
Robert Zatorre , Katie Overy , Isabelle Peretz , Maria Majno
New York Academy of Sciences
G Schlaug , Katie Overy , N Helm-Estabrooks , E Ozdemir
Neurology 64 ( 6)
Gottfried Schlaug , Katie Overy , nancy helm-estabrooks , elif ozdemir
Istvan Molnar-Szakacs , Katie Overy , Elizabeth A Laugeson , Martha J Wang
McGill Journal of Medicine 12 ( 2) 87 -87
L Tett , Katie Overy , Fergus McNeill , K. Anderson
Prison Service Journal
Lyn Tett , Katie Overy , Fergus McNeill , Kirstin Anderson
Inspiring Change Project Team
Paula Bishop-Liebler , Katie Overy
British Dyslexia Association 214 -223
Lyn Tett , Katie Overy , Fergus McNeill , Richard Sparks
Justitiele verkenningen 37 ( 5) 80 -101
Ana Almeida , Katie Overy , Dorothy Miell ,
Katie Overy
Physics of Life Reviews 15 99 -100
Rachel Smith , Tamara Rathcke , Fred Cummins , Katie Overy
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 369 ( 1658) 20130389 -20130389
Rebecca S. Schaefer , Katie Overy , Peter Nelson
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 ( 3) 226 -227
Rebecca S. Schaefer , Alexa M. Morcom , Neil Roberts , Katie Overy
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8 774 -774
Katie Overy , Andrea C. Norton , Karl T. Cronin , Nadine Gaab
Neuroreport 15 ( 11) 1723 -1726
Rebecca S. Schaefer , Katie Overy
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1337 ( 1) 40 -44
Katie Overy , Roderick I. Nicolson , Angela J. Fawcett , Eric F. Clarke
Dyslexia 9 ( 1) 18 -36