Cleaning of the Tower of Belem / Reinigen des Turmes von Belem

Luis Aires-Barros , Maria Joao Basto , Rui Cores Graça , Amélia Dionísio
Restoration of buildings and monuments 4 ( 6) 641 -652

Stone Deterioration on the Tower of Belem / Zerstörung des Natursteins am Turm vom Beiern

Luis Aires-Barros , Maria Joao Basto , Rui Córes Graça , Amélia Dionísio
Restoration of buildings and monuments 4 ( 6) 611 -626

Selection of Consolidants for Use on the Tower of Belem / Auswahl eines Steinfestigers für den Turm von Belem

J Delgado Rodrigues , AP Ferreiro Pinto , A Elena Charola , Luis Aires-Barros
Restoration of buildings and monuments 4 ( 6) 653 -666

Current Mortars in Conservation: An Overview / Heute beim Konservieren verwendete Mörtel: Eine Übersicht

P Faria Rodrigues , Fernando MA Henriques ,
Restoration of Buildings and Monuments 10 ( 6) 609 -622

Formulating Mortars and Renders for Historic Buildings: A Discussion Paper / Formulieren von Mörteln und Putzen für historische Gebäude: Ein Diskussionsbeitrag

FMA Henriques , A Elena Charola , Caspar Groot , Alan M Forster
Restoration of Buildings and Monuments 10 ( 6) 583 -592

Evaluation of Salt Resistant Mortars / Untersuchung der Widerstandsfähigkeit von Mörteln gegen die Einwirkung von Salzen

Fernando MA Henriques , V Moreira Rato , P Faria Rodrigues ,
Restoration of Buildings and Monuments 11 ( 2) 105 -110

The Tower of Beiern Exterior Conservation Project / Das Konservierungsprojekt für die Gebäudehülle des Turmes von Beiern

Α. Ε. Charola , F. Μ. Α. Henriques , J. Delgado Rodrigues , L. Aires- Barros
Restoration of buildings and monuments 4 ( 6) 587 -610

The Masonry of the Tower of Belem and its Repointing / Das Mauerwerk des Turmes von Beiern und das Verfugen

F. Μ. A. Henriques , A.E. Charola , L. Aires-Barros , J.Delgado Rodrigues
Restoration of buildings and monuments 4 ( 6)

A conservaçao em Portugal: balanço e perspectivas

Fernando Henriques ,
Monumentos: Revista semestral de edifícios e monumentos ( 12) 90 -95

Análise da durabilidade de grouts de cal hidráulica

Fernando Jorne , Fernando MA Henriques , Luis G Baltazar ,
Patorreb 2012: 4.º Congreso de patología y rehabilitación de edificios. 12-14 de abril de 2012, Santiago de Compostela, 2012, ISBN 978-84-96712-49-2, pág. 112 112

Avaliação do Risco de Ocorrência de Condensações nas Fachadas dos Edifícios.: Uma Abordagem Preliminar

Daniel Aelenei , Fernando MA Henriques , Encontro sobre Patologia e Reabilitação de Edifícios: PATORREB 2009, 2009, ISBN 978-972-752-109-8, págs. 571-576 571 -576

Performance of passive retrofit measures for historic buildings that house artefacts viable for future conditions

Fernando M.A. Henriques , Guilherme B.A. Coelho
Sustainable Cities and Society 71 102982

Impact of climate change on cultural heritage: a simulation study to assess the risks for conservation and thermal comfort

Guilherme B.A. Coelho , Hugo Entradas Silva , Fernando M.A. Henriques
International Journal of Global Warming 19 ( 4) 382 -406

The use of rheology in the study of the composition effects on the fresh behaviour of hydraulic lime grouts for injection of masonry walls

Luis G Baltazar , Fernando MA Henriques , Fernando Jorne , Maria Teresa Cidade
Rheologica Acta 52 ( 2) 127 -138