Sean Vanderhoff , Jason Polk , Benjamin Miller , Chris Groves
Chris Groves , Darlene M Anthony , Joe Meiman ,
Speleogenesis and Evolution of Karst Aquifers 1 ( 4)
Joe Meiman , Chris Groves
Speleogenesis and Evolution of Karst Aquifers 1 ( 4)
Chris Groves , Joe Meiman , Joel Despain , Liu Zaihua
Water-Resources Investigations Report
Joe Meiman , Chris Groves , Carl Bolster
U.S. Geological Survey Karst Interest Group Proceedings 64 -73
Lorraine Frater , Chris Groves , Elen Stokes , Robert Lee
Centre for Business Relationships, Accountability, Sustainability and Society
Chris Groves , Ted Baker
Planning for an Uncertain Future-Monitoring, Integration, and Adaptation 103 -116
Chris Groves , Weldon Hawkins , Deana Groves
Joe Meiman¹ , Chris Groves , Shannon Herstein , O ¹P
U.S. Geological Survey Karst Interest Group Proceedings, Water-Resources Investigations Report 01-4011
Chris Groves , Joel Despain , Patricia Kambesis
Aaron Celestian , Chris Groves , Albert Meier , Autumn Turner
Chris Groves , William B. White
Chris Groves , Connor Salley
Chris Groves , Katie Algeo , Laura Myers
Chris Groves , Lee Anne Bledsoe , Kenneth Henn , Jackie Row
Pat Kambesis , Chris Groves , Andrew Wulff , Ethan Morgan
Chris Groves , Weldon Hawkins , Deana Groves
Chris Groves , Albert Meier , Megan Laffoon
Chris Groves , Sarah M. Arpin , Sarah M. Arpin
Hydrogeology Journal 29 ( 1) 443 -459