S. Schmidtlein , O. Honnay , D. Rocchini , H. Feilhauer
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2015
M. Buchhorn , B. Smets , M. Herold , S. Fritz
M. E. Schaepman , I. Geijzendorffer , R. de Jong , A. K. Skidmore
AGUFM 2018
M. Buchhorn , B. Smets , M. Herold , S. Fritz
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2019
R. Van De Kerchove , S. Lhermitte , S. Veraverbeke , R. Goossens
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 20 4 -19
N-E. Tsendbazar , M. Herold , S. de Bruin , M. Lesiv
Remote Sensing of Environment 219 298 -309
Abel Ramoelo , M.A. Cho , R. Mathieu , S. Madonsela
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 43 43 -54
Marcel Buchhorn , Bruno Smets , Ruben Van De , Myroslava Lesiv
Andrew K Skidmore , Nicholas C Coops , Elnaz Neinavaz , Abebe Ali
NATURE ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION 5 ( 7) 1046 -1046
P Bhugra , B Bischke , C Werner , R Syrnicki
IGARSS 2022-2022 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 2247 -2250
Rudi Goossens , Ruben Van De Kerchove
The EGU General Assembly 12 2201
Eléonore Wolff , Emilie Hanson , Ruben Van De Kerchove
5th Conférence GEOBIA
Alain De Wulf , Wouter Gheyle , Rudi Goossens , Jean Bourgeois
Remote sensing for a changing Europe. Proceedings of the 28th Symposium of the European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories, Istanbul, Turkey, 2-5 June 2008. 313 -320
Rudi Goossens , Ruben Van De Kerchove
The EGU General Assembly 12
Wouter Gheyle , Birger Stichelbaut , Rudi Goossens , Gertjan Plets
Полевые Исследования в Горном Алтае на Современном Этапе (Археология, Этнография). Сборник научных трудов посвящён 10-летию кафедры археологии, этнологии и источниковедения Горно-Алтайского государственного университета / Field research in the Altai Mountains, an overview (archaeology, and ethnography). Collection of works dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the Department of Archaeology, Ethnology and Source Study of the Gorno-Altaysk State University 16 -22
Rudi Goossens , Ruben Van De Kerchove , Sander Veraverbeke , Willem Verstraeten
Remote sensing for science, education, and natural and cultural heritage : proceedings of the EARSeL Symposium 2010 431 -438
Wouter Gheyle , Gertjan Plets , Alexander Ebel , Jean Bourgeois
Wouter Gheyle , Alain De Wulf , Rudi Goossens , Leon Van Hoof
Mathieu Strale , Eléonore Wolff , Emilie Hanson , Ruben Van De Kerchove
Andrew K Skidmore , Nicholas C Coops , Elnaz Neinavaz , Abebe Ali
Nature Ecology and Evolution 1 -11