Yan Solihin , D. Lavenier , M. Gokhale , K.W. Cameron
field-programmable custom computing machines 283 -284
Yan Solihin
Yan Solihin , Dhruba Chandra , Seongbeom Kim
international conference on parallel architectures and compilation techniques 111 -122
Yan Solihin , Changhee Jung , Daeseob Lim , Jaejin Lee
international parallel and distributed processing symposium 140 -140
Simona Boboila , Yan Solihin , Peter J. Desnoyers , Xiaosong Ma
file and storage technologies 119 -132
Yan Solihin
Yan Solihin , Zhiqiang Lin , Yinqian Zhang , Mengyuan Li
usenix security symposium 1257 -1272
Yan Solihin
Chapman and Hall/CRC 205 -264
Yan Solihin
Published in <b>2009</b> by Solihin publishing
Yan Solihin , Damian Dechev , Ramin Izadpanah , Christina Peterson
ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization 18 ( 2) 1 -26
Yan Solihin , Xipeng Shen , Xiaofei Liao , Hai Jin
high-performance computer architecture 736 -748
Yan Solihin , Huiyang Zhou , Shougang Yuan , Ardhi Wiratama Baskara Yudha
international symposium on performance analysis of systems and software 59 -69
Yan Solihin , James Tuck , Mohammad Alshboul , Prakash Ramrakhyani
high-performance computer architecture 111 -124
Yan Solihin , Huiyang Zhou , Shougang Yuan
international conference on supercomputing
Amro Awad , Pratyusa Manadhata , Stuart Haber , Yan Solihin
architectural support for programming languages and operating systems 44 ( 2) 263 -276
Yan Solihin
IEEE Micro 39 ( 1) 65 -66
Ahmad Samih , Yan Solihin , Anil Krishna
ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization 8 ( 3) 1 -23
Amro Awad , Mao Ye , Yan Solihin , Laurent Njilla
international symposium on computer architecture 104 -115