Valoración del Crotal, convencional y electrónico, para la trazabilidad de cerdos producidos en régimen extensivo

Daniel Babot Gaspa , X. Averós , Clara Santamarina , L.F. Gosálvez
Feagas ( 30) 33 -40

Identificación individual para la trazabilidad porcina en régimen extensivo

Daniel Babot Gaspa , X. Averós , Clara Santamarina , Luis Fernando Gosálvez
Suis ( 58) 34 -39

Individual identification for pig traceability within an extensive system.

C. Santamarina , M. Gosálvez , X. Averós , D. Babot
SUIS ( 58) 34 -39

Predicting the effect of an increase in available space on the activity and exploratory behaviour of pigs raised in an enriched environment.

M. C. Meunier-Salaün , X. Averós , L. Brossard , S. A. Edwards
Journées de la Recherche Porcine en France, Paris, France, 15-16 February 2011. 43 149 -153

Effect of prepartum diet supplementation with polyunsaturated fatty acids on colostrum quality of Latxa ewes and passive transfer of immunity to lambs.

X. Averós , J. Arranz , I. Beltrán de Heredia , R. Ruiz
XVIII Jornadas sobre Producción Animal, Zaragoza, España, 7 y 8 de mayo de 2019 683 -685

The potential of the transect method for early detection of welfare problems in broiler chickens.

N. BenSassi , X. Averós , I. Estevez
Poultry Science 98 ( 2) 522 -532

Effect of available space and previous contact in the social integration of Saint Croix and Suffolk ewes

A. Orihuela , X. Averós , J. Solano , N. Clemente
Journal of Animal Science 94 ( 3) 1238 -1249

Influence of season, distance and mixed loads on the physical and carcass integrity of pigs transported to slaughter.

L.F. Gosálvez , X. Averós , J.J. Valdelvira , A. Herranz
Meat Science 73 ( 4) 553 -558

004 Influence of pre- and postnatal stress on the social motivation and fear response in lambs.

X. Averós , I. Beltrán de Heredia , R. Ruiz , I. Estevez
Journal of Animal Science 95 2 -2

Differences in qualitative aspects of broiler meat demand in Spain. Part 1: Home Consumption

M. Merce Clop-Gallart , X. Averos , Ale Colom , L. Juarez
Research Papers in Economics

Quality of frozen semen from crossbred boars (Ib?rico x Landrace) related to centrifugation methodology

L.F. Gos lvez , D. Babot , J.J. Valdelvira , X. Averos
Journal of Swine Health and Production 12 ( 2) 66 -70

Pig welfare model development: The animal’s perspective

M. Meunier-Salaun , X. Averos , L. Brossard , S.A. Edwards

Prédiction de l'effet d'une augmentation de l'espace disponible sur l'activité et le comportement exploration des porcs élevés en milieu enrichi

M. Meunier-Salaun , X. Averos , L. Brossard , S.A. Edwards
Journées Recherche Porcine 2011 149 -153

Pig welfare model development: consumers and citizens

M. Meunier-Salaun , X. Averos , L. Brossard , S.A. Edwards

Sub-report C: Welfare of weaned, growing and fattening pigs

Eleonora Nannoni , Giovanna Martelli , A. Valros , S. Edwards
European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) 17 -59

Factors affecting the mortality of weaned piglets during commercial transport between farms.

X. Averos , T. G. Knowles , S. N. Brown , P. D. Warriss
Veterinary Record 167 ( 21) 815 -819