Managing two worlds together : City hospital care for country Aboriginal people - project report

Tamara Mackean , Malcolm Battersby , Eileen Willis , Judith Dwyer
Managing Two Worlds Together

Indigenous Higher Education Advisory Council: Ngapartji NgapartjI - Yewrra: Stronger Futures

G. Gower , M. Bin-Sallik , Jill Milroy , M. Walter
Attorney General's Department

Having the hard conversations: towards good practice in addressing individual and institutional resistance to Indigenous health and cultural safety education

Tamara Mackean , Angela Lawless , David Sjoberg , Dennis Roy McDermott
Indigenous Content in Education Symposium 2015 1 ( 1)

Teaching at the interface of knowledge systems in Aboriginal health

Tamara Mackean , Wendy Edmondson , Courtney Ryder
Indigenous Content in Education Symposium 2015 1 ( 1)

Managing two worlds together : Study 2 - staff perspectives on care for country Aboriginal patients

Tamara Mackean , Malcolm Battersby , Eileen Willis , Judith Dwyer
Managing Two Worlds Together

Managing two worlds together : Study 4 - Complex country Aboriginal patient journeys

Tamara Mackean , Malcolm Battersby , Eileen Willis , Judith Dwyer
Managing Two Worlds Together

Indigenous sovereignty and Indigenous health: [Paper in Special Focus Edition: Human Rights.]

Tamara Mackean , Marshall Watson
Indigenous law bulletin 6 ( 7) 19

Managing Two Worlds Together: Study 3—The Experiences of Patients and Their Carers

Tamara Mackean , Malcolm Battersby , Eileen Willis , Kim O'Donnell
Managing Two Worlds Together

Managing two worlds together stage 3: improving Aboriginal patient journeys - study report

Tamara Mackean , Eileen Willis , Alex Brown , Kim O'Donnell
Managing Two Worlds Together: Stage 3: Improving Aboriginal Patient Journeys - Study Report

Analysis of factors associated with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander suicide in Australia: A scoping review

Tamara Mackean , Annabelle Wilson , Rachel Reilly
Transcultural Psychiatry

PHC for prevention and health promotion?: Current issues in policy implementation

Ian Fisher , Frances Baum , Tamara Mackean , Sharon Friel
PHAA Prevention and Public Health Conference, 2-3 May 2018: We can do more and we must

Burn injury models of care: quality and cultural safety

Tamara Mackean , Tamara Mackean , Rebecca Q. Ivers , Andrew J.A. Holland
ANZBA Conference

Burn care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in Australia – guidance and enactment of care

Tamara Mackean , Tamara Mackean , Rebecca Q. Ivers , Andrew J.A. Holland
13th Australasian Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion Conference: AIPN 2017

Considering difference: clinician reports of providing equal and equitable burns care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and families

Tamara Mackean , Tamara Mackean , Rebecca Q. Ivers , Kate Hunter
The Lowitja Institute International Indigenous Health and Wellbeing Conference

Yarning up about out‐of‐pocket healthcare expenditure in burns with Aboriginal families

Tamara Mackean , Tamara Mackean , Rebecca Ivers , Rebecca Ivers
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health 45 ( 2) 138 -142

"They Are Worth Their Weight in Gold": Families and Clinicians' Perspectives on the Role of First Nations Health Workers in Paediatric Burn Care in Australia.

Tamara Mackean , Rebecca Ivers , Andrew Holland , Kate Hunter
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 ( 5) 2297

Assessing cultural safety in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health.

Tamara Mackean , Annabelle Wilson , David Sjoberg , Dennis McDermott
Australian Journal of Rural Health 29 ( 2) 201 -210

Stakeholder perceptions of policy implementation for Indigenous health and cultural safety: A study of Australia's ‘Closing the Gap’ policies

Tamara Mackean , Tamara Mackean , Fran Baum , Sharon Friel
Australian Journal of Public Administration