C. Kidner , I. Mehdi , J. R. East , G. I. Haddad
First International Symposium on Space Terahertz Technology 84
I. Mehdi , R. Lin , S. Smith , J. Crowley
Eighteenth International Symposium on Space Terahertz Technology 131
E. Schlecht , J. Bruston , G. Chattopadhyay , I. Mehdi
A. Maestrini , I. Mehdi , B. Nakamura , J. Bruston
S. Martin , P. Siegel , J. Oswald , A. Pease
P. H. Siegel , A. Pease , T. H. Lee , I. Mehdi
M. Gaidis , N. Erickson , D. Humphrey , J. Bruston
Christian Leinz , Jacob Kooi , R. Lin , J. Ward
Pasadena, CA : Jet Propulsion Laboratory, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 2011.
H. Wang , A. Peralta , S. Weinreb , M. Nishimoto
I. Mehdi
P. Hartogh , E. Schlecht , M. Brandt , M. Philipp
Choonsup Lee , Goutam Chattopadhyay , Cecile Jung , Theodore Reck
european conference on antennas and propagation 1745 -1746
D. Pukala , A. Maestrini , I. Mehdi , B. Nakamura
Twelfth International Symposium on Space Terahertz Technology 310
R. K. Mains , I. Mehdi , George I. Haddad
Michigan Univ. Final Report
E. Schlecht , N. Erickson , I. Mehdi , A. Maestrini
Softwaretechnik-trends 495
E. Schlecht , J. Bruston , G. Chattopadhyay , I. Mehdi
C. Lee , A. Peralta , S. Sin , G. Chattopadhyay
Twenty-First International Symposium on Space Terahertz Technology 161 -164