Elias Munapo , Senelani D Musekwa , Santosh Kumar
The International Journal of Management 1 ( 2) 7 -14
Elias Munapo , Cecile Gerwel Proches , Nokuthula Goodness Cele
Elias Munapo , Thabo Ramodula , Cecile N. Gerwel Proches
Philimon Nyamugure , Elias Munapo , Santosh Kumar
International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences 6 ( 2) 611 -620
Elias Munapo , Santosh Kumar
American Journal of Operations Research 11 ( 02) 110 -119
Elias Munapo
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2 54 -61
Santosh Kumar , Elias Munapo , ‘Maseka Lesaoana , Philimon Nyamugure
Opsearch 55 ( 1) 150 -164
Willard Nzeru , Ian Nzimakwe , Emanuel Mutambara , Elias Munapo
The Indian Economic Journal 63 ( 3) 448 -472
Boipelo Vinolia Mogale , Johannes Tshepiso Tsoku , Elias Munapo , Olusegun Sunday Ewemooje
IGI Global 429 -444
Elias Munapo
IGI Global 37 -52
Elias Munapo
IGI Global 88 -109
Pieter-Henk Boer , Elias Munapo , Martin Chanza , Issaah A. Mhlanga
Journal of Economic and Financial Sciences 12 ( 1) 15
Brenda Bulelwa Mhlongo , Thokozani Ian Nzimakwe , Vannie Naidoo , Elias Munapo
Journal of Social Sciences 47 ( 1) 79 -89
Tlhalitshi Volition Montshiwa , Ntebo Moroke , Elias Munapo ,
Indian journal of science and technology 11 ( 16) 1 -11
Elias Munapo , Santosh Kumar , Akiko Yoshise
Cogent Mathematics 3 ( 1) 1162372
Elias Munapo
Apple Academic Press 305 -319
Santosh Kumar , Elias Munapo , ‘Maseka Lesaoana , Philimon Nyamugure
CRC Press 221 -235
Elias Munapo
American Journal of Operations Research 2 ( 3) 308 -312
Elias Munapo , Santosh Kumar
American Journal of Operations Research 05 ( 5) 373 -383