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Gordon A. Ewy , Karl B. Kern , Arthur B. Sanders , Daniel Newburn
The American Journal of Medicine 119 ( 1) 6 -9
J.F Brown , H.W Meislin , D.W Spaite , T.D Valenzuela
Prehospital and Disaster Medicine 8
J.F Brown , T.D Valenzuela , L.R Burns
Prehospital and Disaster Medicine 8
D.W Spaite , T.D Valenzuela , E.A Criss , H.W Meislin
Prehospital and Disaster Medicine 8
Jarrod Mosier , Raj Joshi , Cameron Hypes , Garrett Pacheco
Western Journal of Emergency Medicine 16 ( 7) 1109 -1117
Richard O. Cummins , Mary Fran Hazinski , Richard E. Kerber , Peter Kudenchuk
Circulation 97 ( 16) 1654 -1667
Jane H. Brice , Terence Valenzuela , Joseph P. Ornato , Robert A. Swor
Prehospital Emergency Care 5 ( 1) 65 -72
Frank G. Walter , Gerry Bates , Elizabeth A. Criss , Tareg Bey
Prehospital Emergency Care 7 ( 2) 214 -218
Daniel Spaite , Elizabeth Criss , Terence Valenzuela , Harvey W Meislin
Annals of Emergency Medicine 17 ( 6) 620 -625
Samuel M Butman , Terence Valenzuela
Annals of Emergency Medicine 18 ( 7) 789 -791
JoAnn Broeckel Elrod , Raina Merchant , Mohamud Daya , Scott Youngquist
BMJ Open 7 ( 3)
Terence Valenzuela , Elizabeth Criss , Kenneth Facter , Daniel Spaite
The Journal of Emergency Medicine 7 ( 3) 253 -256
John C. Sakles , Jarrod Mosier , George Hadeed , Michael Hudson
Telemedicine and e-Health 17 ( 3) 185 -188
Emily S. Bartlett , Terence Valenzuela , Ahamed Idris , Nicolas Deye
Resuscitation 146 82 -95
Nino Stocchetti , Fabio S Taccone , Giuseppe Citerio , Paul E Pepe
Critical Care 19 ( 1) 186 -186
Graham Nichol , Siobhan P. Brown , Gavin D. Perkins , Francis Kim
Resuscitation 107 115 -120
Ian Jacobs , Vic Callanan , Graham Nichol , Terence Valenzuela
Annals of Emergency Medicine 37 ( 4) S5 -S16
Terence Valenzuela , Andrew J. Harrell , Graham Nichol
JAMA Cardiology 2 ( 11) 1183 -1184
Terence Valenzuela , Jarrod Mosier , John Sakles
JEMS: a Journal of Emergency Medical Services 38 ( 1) 32 -4, 36