El “trenching” como método de separación de las componentes de la respiración de suelos forestales

A. Schindlbacher , R. Jandl , E. Díaz-Pinés López de los Mozos , A. Rubio Sánchez
Cuadernos de la Sociedad Española de Ciencias Forestales, ISSN 1575-2410, 2008, Vol. 25 ( 25) 161 -166

Artificial drought causes a lasting reduction in forest soil respiration

A. Schindlbacher , S. Zechmeister-Boltenstern , B. Kitzler , R. Jandl
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 9127

Management Options for a High Elevation Forest in the Alps

N. Jandl , R. Jandl , A. Schindlbacher
AGUFM 2013

Contribution of inorganic C to the CO2 efflux from a forest soil on dolomite bedrock

C. Spötl , A. Schindlbacher , C. Brandstätter , W. Wanek
EGUGA 4252

Microbial processes and nitrogen oxides emissions from forest soils

K. Butterbach-Bahl , P. Ambus , A. Schindlbacher , S. Zechmeister-Boltenstern
Eurosoil 2004

Changing Precipitation Pattern can Offset Warming Effects on Soil Respiration

A. Schindlbacher , R. Jandl , S. Zechmeister Boltenstern
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2008

Experimental warming effects on the microbial community of a temperate mountain forest soil.

A. Schindlbacher , A. Rodler , M. Kuffner , B. Kitzler
Soil Biology & Biochemistry 43 ( 7) 1417 -1425

Soil CO 2 efflux from mountainous windthrow areas: dynamics over 12 years post-disturbance

M. Mayer , B. Matthews , A. Schindlbacher , K. Katzensteiner
Biogeosciences 11 ( 21) 6081 -6093

Can current moisture responses predict soil CO2 efflux under altered precipitation regimes? A synthesis of manipulation experiments

W. Borken , N. Buchmann , S. L. Collins , G. de Dato
Biogeosciences 11 ( 11) 2991 -3013

Greenhouse gas emissions from European soils under different land use: effects of soil moisture and temperature

G. Schaufler , B. Kitzler , A. Schindlbacher , U. Skiba
European Journal of Soil Science 61 ( 5) 683 -696

High temporal resolution tracing of photosynthate carbon from the tree canopy to forest soil microorganisms

P. Högberg , M. N. Högberg , S. G. Göttlicher , N. R. Betson
New Phytologist 177 ( 1) 220 -228

Greenhouse-gas Emissions from Temperate Mountain Forests

R. Jandl , G. Wieser , F. Hagedorn , A. Schindlbacher
Managing forest ecosystems: the challenge of climate change, 2008, ISBN 9781402083426, págs. 41-60 41 -60

Substantial understory contribution to the C sink of a European temperate mountain forest landscape

T. Dirnböck , D. Kraus , R. Grote , S. Klatt
Landscape Ecology 35 ( 2) 483 -499

Combined soil warming and drought manipulation: Effects on forest soil respiration and its components

Werner Borken , Andreas Schindlbacher , Sophie Zechmeister-Boltenstern , Steve Wunderlich
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 11488

Hyphal Production and Organic Matter Decomposition in Response to Summer Drought and Warming in Three Temperate Ecosystems

Sumitra Dewan , Hans Goransson , Andy R Smith , Giovanbattista De Dato
한국토양비료학회 학술발표회 초록집 229 -229

Soil organic carbon dynamics in the forest-grassland limit.

Eugenio Díaz-Pinés , Klaus Butterbach-Bahl , Andreas Schindlbacher , Agustin Rubio
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 15336

Effects of slope aspect and site elevation on seasonal soil carbon dynamics in a forest catchment in the Austrian Limestone Alps

Bernhard Zehetgruber , Thomas Dirnböck , Johannes Kobler , Andreas Schindlbacher
EGUGA 16691

Experimental warming effects on C and N mineralization in an Austrian mountain forest soil

Werner Borken , Egbert Matzner , Marianne Schütt , Andreas Schindlbacher
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts

Effects of snow-cover on annual and seasonal soil respiration from a temperate mountain forest soil

Sabine Schindlbacher , Andreas Schindlbacher , Robert Jandl
EGUGA 14103

Temperature-enhanced decomposition contributes to a decline in soil carbon stocks of a mountain forest after windthrow

Klaus Katzensteiner , Andreas Schindlbacher , Boris Rewald , Douglas Godbold
EGUGA 11194