Development of Online Alfalfa Management Extension Education Resources Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic

Jennifer J Tucker , S Leanne L Dillard , Gerry Thompson , Liliane Severino da Silva
Journal of Animal Science 99 9 -9

Agronomic responses and sugarcane aphid pressure in warm‐season annual forage mixtures

Sandra Leanne Dillard , Alana Jacobson , Serena Joy Thompson , Liliane Severino da Silva
Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management

Above-and below-Ground Responses to Defoliation of Rhizoma Peanut Entries Representing a Range of Growth Habits.

Katie D Cooley , Lynn E Sollenberger , Ann Blount , Marta Moura Kohmann
ASA, CSSA, and CSA International Annual Meeting (2018)

Rhizoma Peanut Entries Representing a Range of Growth Habits Differ in Herbage Accumulation, Canopy Characteristics, and Root-Rhizome Mass.

Katie D Cooley , Lynn Sollenberger , Ann Blount , Marta Moura Kohmann
ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual (2017)

Litter mass and nitrogen disappearance in year‐round nitrogen‐fertilized grass and legume–grass forage systems

Liliane Severino da Silva , Lynn E Sollenberger , Marta Moura Kohmann , José C Dubeux
Agronomy Journal 113 ( 6) 5170 -5182

Establishing rhizoma peanut–bahiagrass mixtures

Erin M Shepard , Lynn E Sollenberger , Marta M Kohmann , Liliane Severino da Silva
Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment 5 ( 3) e20285 -e20285

Litter Decomposition and Nutrient Disappearance of Year-Round Grass-N and Legume-Forage Systems Under Grazing and Hay Managements.

Liliane Severino da Silva , Lynn E Sollenberger , Marta Moura Kohmann , Erin Stenklyft
ASA, CSSA, and CSA International Annual Meeting (2018)

Effect of N-Fertilized Grass and Legume-Based Forage Systems on Nitrous Oxide Emissions.

Liliane Severino da Silva , Lynn E Sollenberger , Marta Moura Kohmann , Katie D Cooley
ASA, CSSA, and CSA International Annual Meeting (2018)

Exploring the Relationship of Growth Habit and Response to Grazing Management within Arachis Glabrata.

Lynn E Sollenberger , Erin Stenklyft , Marta Moura Kohmann , Liliane Severino da Silva
ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual (2017)

Environment and Management Factors Affect Biomass Partitioning of Rhizoma Peanut during Establishment.

Parmeshwor Aryal , Lynn E Sollenberger , Marta Moura Kohmann , Liliane Severino da Silva
ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual (2017)

Effect of Legume-Rich and N-Fertilized Grass Diets on Nitrous Oxide and Methane Emissions from Bovine Excreta.

Marta Moura Kohmann , Lynn Sollenberger , Jose CB Dubeux Jr , Nicolas DiLorenzo
ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual (2017)

Soil Organic Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics of Year-Round Legume-or Nitrogen-Fertilized Grass-Based Forage Systems Defoliated By Grazing or Clipping.

Liliane Severino da Silva , Mary Kimberly Mullenix , Lynn Sollenberger , Maria Lucia A Silveira
ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual (2017)

Nitrogen Fertilization and Legume Proportion Affect Grassland Litter Deposition and Decomposition.

Marta Moura Kohmann , Lynn Sollenberger , Jose CB Dubeux Jr , Maria Lucia A Silveira
ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings

Producer Engagement to Identify Causes of Bahiagrass Pasture Decline.

Lynn E Sollenberger , Joao MB Vendramini , Parmeshwor Aryal , Maria Lucia A Silveira
ASA, CSSA, and CSA International Annual Meeting (2018)

Leaf and Canopy Carbon Assimilation Rates of'Mulato Ii'Brachiariagrass (Convert HD 364) in Response to Canopy Height and Growth Rate.

Valdson Jose Da Silva , Lynn E Sollenberger , Carlos GS Pedreira , Junior Issamu Yasuoka
ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings (2015)

Forage production and persistence characteristics of grazed native warm‐season grass mixtures with or without nitrogen fertilizer

Caroline Nicole Chappell , Marty Landon Marks , Katie Michelle Mason , Liliane Severino da Silva
Grassland Research 1 ( 3) 157 -165

Leaf Number and Specific Leaf Area of Grazed Mulato II Brachiariagrass Pastures in Response to Canopy Height and Nitrogen Rates.

Valdson Jose Da Silva , Carlos GS Pedreira , Junior Issamu Yssamu Yasuoka , Liliane Severino da Silva
ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual (2017)

Forage Accumulation and Nutritive Value of Grazed Mulato II Brachiariagrass (Convert HD 364) in Response to Canopy Height and Nitrogen Rate.

Carlos GS Pedreira , Valdson Jose Da Silva , Liliane Severino da Silva , Junior Issamu Yasuoka
ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings (2015)

Frequência de corte como determinante de características morfológicas e produtivas dos capins Tifton 85 e Jiggs

Mariana Falda Abdal , Felipe Niitsu Lima , Liliane Severino da Silva , Carlos Guilherme Silveira Pedreira