Alberto Pliego Marugán , Fausto Pedro García Márquez , Jesus María Pinar Perez , Diego Ruiz-Hernández
Applied Energy 228 1822 -1836
Fausto Pedro García Márquez , Raúl Ruiz de la Hermosa González , Jesús María Pinar Perez Carrato , Noor Zaman
Digital filters and signal processing 1 -1
Jesús M Pinar-Pérez , Diego Ruiz-Hernández , Mozart BC Menezes
Applied Mathematical Modelling 104 315 -338
Jesús M Pinar-Pérez , Diego Ruiz-Hernández , Alberto Pliego Marugán
Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management: Volume 2 15 789 -798
JM Pinar-Pérez , D Ruiz-Hernández , MBC Menezes
Springer International Publishing 119 -126
Diego Ruiz-Hernandez , Jesus M Pinar-Pérez , Mozart BC Menezes
Conference Map 93 -93
FP García Márquez , JM Pinar Pérez , R Ruiz Hermosa , M Papaelias
RE&PQJ 10 ( 10)
Manuel Villasalero , Jesús María Pinar , Fausto Pedro García ,
Journal of Euromarketing 20 ( 34)
Jesús María Pinar , Carlos Quiterio Gómez Muñoz , Eva Segura , Fausto Pedro García Márquez
CYTEMA ISBN: 978-84-697-1162-0 491 -493
Alberto Pliego Marugan , Fausto Pedro Garcia Marquez , Jesús Maria Pinar-Perez
E3S Web of Conferences 409 04015 -04015
Jesús Maria Pinar Pérez , Fausto Pedro García Márquez , Papelias Mayorkinos
J.M. Vega-Hernández , M.C. , González-Alastrué , J.A.
BEIO, Boletín de Estadística e Investigación Operativa 36 ( 2) 173 -200
Marıa Concepción Vega-Hernández , José Antonio González Alastrué , Roberto Morales Arsenal , Jesús Marıa Pinar Pérez
BEIO 173 -173
Jesús María Pinar-Pérez , Fausto Pedro García Márquez
Renewable Energies 97 -109
Fausto Pedro García Márquez , Jesús María Pinar-Pérez
Butterworth-Heinemann 49 -68
Dinanath Prasad , Narendra Kumar , Rakhi Sharma , Hasmat Malik
Energy Reports 9 2044 -2057
Alberto Pliego-Marugán , Jesús María Pinar-Pérez , Diego Ruiz-Hernández
Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management: Volume 2 45 -56
Diego Ruiz-Hernández , Jesús María Pinar-Pérez
Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management 11 1395 -1406
Jesús María Pinar-Pérez , Alberto Pliego-Marugán , Diego Ruiz-Hernández
Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management: Volume 2 57 -67