H. Miura , T. Nakamoto
Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 1847
A. Gucsik , K. Tsukamoto , H. Nishido , H. Miura
Journal of Luminescence 132 ( 4) 1041 -1047
H. Miura , K. K. Tanaka , T. Yamamoto , T. Nakamoto
The Astrophysical Journal 719 ( 1) 642 -654
H. Miura , T. Nakamoto
Icarus 175 ( 2) 289 -304
H. Miura , T. Yamamoto
The Astronomical Journal 147 ( 3) 54
M. Nagasawa , K. K. Tanaka , H. Tanaka , H. Nomura
The Astrophysical Journal 871 ( 1) 110
Tomoki Nakamura , M Matsumoto , K Amano , Y Enokido
Science 379 ( 6634) eabn8671
H Miura , T Nakamoto , H Susa
8th Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting, Volume II 169 -170
Hitoshi Miura , Taishi Nakamoto
Antarctic meteorite research 18 239 -252
Hitoshi Miura
Journal of Crystal Growth 549 125867
Yuki Kimura , Hitoshi Miura , Katsuo Tsukamoto , Chaorong Li
Journal of Crystal Growth 316 ( 1) 196 -200
Yuki Sugiura , Kazuo Onuma , Yuki Kimura , Hitoshi Miura
Journal of Crystal Growth 332 ( 1) 58 -67
Masashi Kawaguchi , Hitoshi Miura , Kazuhiro Kishi , Masahide Sato
Physical Review E 91 ( 1) 012409
Hiroki Nada , Salvador Zepeda , Hitoshi Miura , Yoshinori Furukawa
Chemical Physics Letters 498 ( 1) 101 -106
Hitoshi Miura , Tetsuo Yamamoto , Hideko Nomura , Taishi Nakamoto
The Astrophysical Journal 839 ( 1) 47
Hitoshi Miura
Jun Nozawa , Katsuo Tsukamoto , Willem van Enckevort , Tomoki Nakamura
Journal of the American Chemical Society 133 ( 23) 8782 -8785
Taishi Nakamoto , Hitoshi Miura
Highlights of Astronomy 13 525 -527
Hiroki Nada , Hitoshi Miura , Jun Kawano , Toshiharu Irisawa
Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials 62 ( 2) 404 -407
Kenta Murayama , Katsuo Tsukamoto , Atul Srivastava , Hitoshi Miura
Crystal Research and Technology 49 ( 5) 315 -322