Mattacola Cg , Gansneder Bm , Perrin Dh , Arnold Bl
Journal of Athletic Training 33 ( 3) 254 -258
Walker Ml , Tamburello M , Van Lunen Bl , Hanrahan S
Journal of Athletic Training 40 ( 2) 88 -93
VJ Wirth , B Van Lunen , D Mistry , E Saliba
Journal of Athletic Training 33 ( 3) 211 -215
E. K. Greska , N. Cortes , S. I. Ringleb , J. A. Onate
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports 27 ( 11) 1328 -1336
L E Eberman , J Cavallario , E Hoffman , Gary Cohen
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 21 ( 1) 57 -61
Muge Akpinar-Elci , Hind A Beydoun , Bonnie Van Lunen , Matthew Hoch
Current Pediatric Research 22 ( 4) 289 -294
Julie M. Cavallario , Stacey Walker , Cailee-Welch Bacon , Bailey Jones
Moira McManus , Robert Cramer , Maureen Boshier , Muge Akpinar-Elci
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15 ( 1) 129
James Onate , Ajit Chaudhari , James Borchers , Tim Hewett
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 46 207 -208
Roger O. Kollock , James A. Onate , Bonnie Van Lunen
Journal of Athletic Training 45 ( 4) 349 -356
Sarah Manspeaker , Bonnie Van Lunen
Journal of Athletic Training 46 ( 5) 514 -522
Allison M. Gardiner , Jennifer W. Cuchna , Stacy E. Walker , Stephanie Clines
Athletic training education journal 14 ( 1) 64 -72
Sarah A. Manspeaker , Bonnie Van Lunen
Athletic training education journal 5 ( 2) 51 -60
James Onate , Cambrie Starkel , James Borchers , Ajit Chaudhari
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 48 36
Kelvin Phan , Cailee W McCarty , Jessica M Mutchler , Bonnie Van Lunen
Athletic training education journal 7 ( 3) 103 -114
Jeffrey Paszkewicz , Tristen Webb , Brian Waters , Cailee Welch McCarty
Journal of Sport Rehabilitation 21 ( 4) 371 -377
Nelson Cortes , James Onate , João Abrantes , Linda Gagen
Journal of Applied Biomechanics 23 ( 4) 289 -299
Erin M. O’Donoghue , James A. Onate , Bonnie Van Lunen , Connie L. Peterson
Athletic Training & Sports Health Care 1 ( 3) 120 -132
Roger O. Kollock , James A. Oñate , Bonnie Van Lunen
Athletic Therapy Today 13 ( 2) 18 -24