Richard A Jonas , David Wypij , Stephen J Roth , David C Bellinger
The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 126 ( 6) 1765 -1774
C.H. Frazer , N. Hobbs , L. Rappaport
American Journal of Human Genetics 55
S. W. Kong , Y. Shimizu-Motohashi , M. G. Campbell , I. H. Lee
Neurogenetics 14 ( 2) 143 -152
E. Ho , K. Barnes , H. O'Leary , M. Gregas
Neurology 78
O. S. Khwaja , E. Ho , K. V. Barnes , H. M. O'Leary
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 111 ( 12) 4596 -4601
A. Schonwald , L. Rappaport
Pediatrics in Review 25 ( 8) 278 -283
L. Fishman , L. Rappaport , A. Schonwald , S. Nurko
Pediatrics 111 ( 5)
L. Rappaport
Pediatrics 135 ( 5) 926 -927
W. Ross , E. Chan , S. Harris , L. Rappaport
Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics 25 ( 5) 377 -378
L. Rappaport , H. Coffman , R. Guare , T. Fenton
Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics 7 ( 3) 204
MJ McDowell , LA Rappaport
Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics 13 ( 4) 307 -307
DC Bellinger , D Wypij , AJ Duplessis , LA Rappaport
Circulation 102 ( 18) 497 -497
JW Newburger , D Wypij , KCK Kuban , LA Rappaport
Circulation 94 ( 8) 1003 -1003
C Dunbar-Masterson , D Wypij , AL Baker , DC Bellinger
Circulation 102 ( 18) 599 -599
LA Rappaport , DC BELLINGER , G Wernovsky , P LANG
D Wypij , JW Newburger , LA Rappaport , AJ duPlessis
Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 126 ( 5) 1397 -1403
DC Bellinger , D Wypij , AJ duPlessis , LA Rappaport
Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 126 ( 5) 1385 -1396
DC Bellinger , D Wypij , AJ du Plessis , LA Rappaport
Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 121 ( 2) 374 -383
CH Frazer , LA Rappaport
Developmental-behavioral pediatrics 357 -364
LA Rappaport , AM Leichtner
Pain in Infants, Children, and Adolescents. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins 561 -569