Anja Jochmann , Luca Artusio , Angela Jamalzadeh , Prasad Nagakumar
European Respiratory Journal 50 ( 6) 1700910
Stelios Pavlidis , Kentaro Takahashi , Francois Ng Kee Kwong , Jiaxing Xie
European Respiratory Journal 53 ( 1) 1800938
Kentaro Takahashi , Stelios Pavlidis , Francois Ng Kee Kwong , Uruj Hoda
European Respiratory Journal 51 ( 5) 1702173
Louise Kathleen Fleming , Carla Gene Rapp , Rick Sloane
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Louise Jane Fleming
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European Respiratory Journal 44 4858
Sejal Saglani , Valentina Fainardi , Sergio Koo , Andrew Bush
European Respiratory Journal 40 3277
Samantha Irving , Andrew Bush , Louise Fleming , Alexandra Adams
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Sejal Saglani , Samantha Irving , Andrew Bush , Louise Fleming
European Respiratory Journal 44 3515
Gunilla Hedlin , Hans Bisgaard , Ioannis Pandis , Clare Murray
European Respiratory Journal 44 4220
Sejal Saglani , Samantha Irving , Andrew Bush , Louise Fleming
European Respiratory Journal 44 4201
Samatha Sonnappa , Sejal Saglani , Samantha Irving , Andrew Bush
Archives of Disease in Childhood
Sejal Saglani , Adnan Custovic , Lisa Gregory , Andrew Bush
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine
Mark L Levy , Louise Fleming , Stephen Goldring , Andy Bush
Archives of Disease in Childhood
James Sharples , Atul Gupta , Louise Fleming , Cara J. Bossley
European Respiratory Journal 40 ( 1) 264 -267
Mark L Levy , Louise Fleming
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Louise Fleming , Kathleen Knafl , George Knafl , Marcia Van Riper
Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing 22 ( 4)
Mark L Levy , Louise Fleming , John O Warner , Andrew Bush
British Journal of General Practice 69 ( 685) 405 -406
Sukeshi Makhecha , Amy Chan , Christina Pearce , Angela Jamalzadeh
BMJ Open Respiratory Research 7 ( 1)
Kathleen A. Knafl , Nancy L. Havill , Jennifer Leeman , Louise Fleming
Western Journal of Nursing Research 39 ( 5) 690 -723