The Vis/NIR OMEGA imaging spectrometer on-board Mars Express

M. Vincendon , Yves Langevin , Sylvain Douté , François Forget
36th COSPAR Scientific Assembly 36 2422

Titan's Surface Albedo From Near-infrared CFHT/FTS And VLT Spectra

E. Gendron , M. Hirtzig , P. Drossart , P. Rannou
AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts #38 38 532

A Comprehensive Numerical Package for the Modeling of Mars Hyperspectral Images

Roger Oliva , Sylvain Douté , Frederic Schmidt , E. Deforas
38th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 38 ( 1338) 1836

Evolution of the seasonal polar caps of Mars over more than one martian year

M. Vincendon , Y. Langevin , Sylvain Douté , F. Montmessin
European Planetary Science Congress 2006 78

New Observations of CO2 and H2O Ice by OMEGA/MEx in the South Polar Region of Mars During Late Summer (November/December 2005)

M. Vincendon , Y. Langevin , Sylvain Douté , Bernard Schmitt
37th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 36 ( 1744) 2

Observations of the North Permanent Cap of Mars in Mid-Summer by OMEGA/MEX at km per Pixel Resolutions

Y. Langevin , Sylvain Douté , Bernard Schmitt , F. Poulet
36th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 36 ( 1650) 2

Mars Water Ice and Carbon Dioxide Seasonal Polar Caps: GCM Modeling and Comparison with Mars Express Omega Observations

Benjamin Levrard , Y. Langevin , Sylvain Douté , F. Montmessin
36th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 36 ( 1605) 2

Laboratory Data on Ices, Refractory Carbonaceous Materials, and Minerals Relevant to Transneptunian Objects and Centaurs

Eric Quirico , C. De Bergh , Dale P. Cruikshank , Bernard Schmitt
The Solar System Beyond Neptune 483

Surface Water Ice and Aerosols Evolution of 77°N, 90°E Mars Crater During Early Summer by OMEGA/MEx

M Vincendon , Y Langevin , F Poulet , J-P Bibring
37th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 36 ( 1769) 2

Chemical structure and optical properties of Titan's tholins. Implications for the analysis of spectral data of Cassini-Huygens mission

Cyril Szopa , Eric Quirico , F. Raulin , Bruno Reynard
European Planetary Science Congress 2006 110

New Insights in Tholin Chemical Structure Using Solid State ^13C and ^15N NMR Spectroscopy

C. Szopa , Eric Quirico , G. Cernogora , V. Less
39th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 39 ( 1391) 1840

Automatic Detection of H2O and CO2 Ices in OMEGA/MEX Images for the Monitoring of the South Polar Cap Recession

Y. Langevin , Sylvain Douté , Frederic Schmidt , Bernard Schmitt
37th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 36 ( 1979) 2

Composition and physico-chemical cycles of Titan's surface

Bernard Schmitt
European Planetary Science Congress 2006 532

Titan's ground-based observations in the near-infrared

E. Gendron , M. Hirtzig , P. Drossart , P. Rannou
European Planetary Science Congress 2006 554

Following the south polar cap recession as viewed by OMEGA/MEX using automatic detection of H2O and CO2 ices

Sylvain Douté , Frederic Schmidt , Bernard Schmitt
European Planetary Science Congress 2006 159

New laboratory approach to study Titan ionospheric chemistry

Jean Lilensten , Eric Quirico , Odile Dutuit , Roland Thissen
European Planetary Science Congress 2006 530

Impact Regimes and Post-formation Sequestration Processes: Implications for the Origin of Heavy Noble Gases in Terrestrial Planets

Jonathan I. Lunine , Sylvain Picaud , Jonathan Horner , Jonathan Horner
The Astrophysical Journal 714 ( 2) 1418 -1423