Optical and electronics routes for electromagnetic generation in the terahertz gap

T. Akalin , P. Mounaix , S. Arscott , D. Lippens
international conference on infrared and millimeter waves

Circularly polarized luminescence microscopy for the imaging of charge and spin diffusion in semiconductors.

I Favorskiy , D Vu , E. Peytavit , Steve Arscott
Review of Scientific Instruments 81 ( 10) 103902 -103902

Génération d'un rayonnement térahertz par photomélange : performances et perspectives : Les ondes térahertz

F. Mollet , P. Masselin , R. Becquet , D. Lippens
REE. Revue de l'électricité et de l'électronique ( 1) 32 -36

OSMOTUS : oscillateur millimétrique/submillimétrique à très haute pureté spectrale.

J. Bourderionnet , E. Peytavit , Gwennaël Danion , C. Coinon
Journée annuelle du club Optique et Microondes : JCOM 2012

Dual frequency tunable laser system for a microwave and terahertz oscillator

J. Bourderionnet , E. Peytavit , Gwennaël Danion , C. Coinon
7th terahertz days

Laser bi-fréquences accordables pour la génération d'onde millimétrique et submillimétrique à haute cohérence.

J. Bourderionnet , E. Peytavit , Gwennaël Danion , C. Coinon
Journée annuelle du club Optique et Microondes : JCOM 2012

THz quantum cascade lasers with micro TEM-horn antennas

P. Filloux , W. Maineult , A. Andronico , E. Peytavit
Réunion du E-GDR THz

Imaging ambipolar diffusion of photocarriers in GaAs thin films

D. Paget , F. Cadiz , ACH Rowe , Francois Moreau
Journal of Applied Physics 111 ( 12) 123720

Surface recombination in doped semiconductors: Effect of light excitation power and of surface passivation

F. Cadiz , D Paget , ACH Rowe , VL Berkovits
Journal of Applied Physics 114 ( 10) 103711

Room Temperature Heterodyne Detection up to 70GHz With Antenna-Coupled Quantum-Well Photodetectors Operating at 10μm

E. Peytavit , R. Colombelli , J. C. Cao , W. J. Wan
international conference on infrared, millimeter, and terahertz waves

Low-Temperature-Grown Gallium Arsenide Photoconductors with Photoresponse reaching 25 mA/W under 1550nm CW excitation

E. Peytavit , C. Coinon , M. Billet , C. Tannoury
international conference on infrared, millimeter, and terahertz waves

Wireless communication link at 300 GHz with up to 160 GBit/s

E. Peytavit , B. Globisch , P. Szriftgiser , G. Ducournau
international conference on infrared, millimeter, and terahertz waves 1 -1

High speed mid-IR Quantum Cascade Detector at room temperature

S. Barbieri , J-F Lampin , C. Mismer , A. Delga
international conference on infrared, millimeter, and terahertz waves

Room temperature platinum nano-strip bolometer for mm & submm-wave applications

Y Desmet , B Thomas , E Peytavit , F Pavanello
2016 Global Symposium on Millimeter Waves (GSMM) & ESA Workshop on Millimetre-Wave Technology and Applications 1 -4

High efficiency UTC photodiodes as photonic emitters for 300 GHz high spectral efficiency wireless communications

P. Latzel , F. Pavanello , S. Bretin , M. Billet
european conference on antennas and propagation 1639 -1641

Room temperature terahertz microbolometers

E. Peytavit , P. Agnese , J.-L. Ouvrier Buffet , A. Beguin
international conference on infrared, millimeter, and terahertz waves 1 257 -258

Broadband waveguide-to-microstrip transition in W band

F. Pavanello , I. Turer , T. Akalin , S. Vandenbrouck
international conference on infrared, millimeter, and terahertz waves 1 -2

Milliwatt-level output power in the sub-terahertz range generated by photomixing in a GaAs photoconductor

E. Peytavit , S. Lepilliet , F. Hindle , C. Coinon
Applied Physics Letters 99 ( 22) 223508

Continuous terahertz-wave generation using a monolithically integrated horn antenna

E. Peytavit , A. Beck , T. Akalin , J-F. Lampin
Applied Physics Letters 93 ( 11) 111108

Highly coherent terahertz wave generation with a dual-frequency Brillouin fiber laser and a 1.55 μm photomixer

G. Ducournau , P. Szriftgiser , T. Akalin , A. Beck
Optics Letters 36 ( 11) 2044 -2046