Accuracy and Precision of Commercial Thinning to Achieve Wildlife Management Objectives in Production Forests

William Gulsby , Darren Miller , Karl Miller , James Martin
Forests 12 ( 4) 411

Short-term effects of loblolly pine thinning intensity on coverage of preferred white-tailed deer forage plants

Kent Keene , William Gulsby , Allison Colter , Darren A. Miller
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 51 ( 4) 604 -610

Special Thanks to Reviewers and Editors

Erin Adams , Gregory Albery , Chuck Anderson , Ronald Baker

Impacts of Timber Stand Improvement on the Spread of Invasive Sericea Lespedeza (Lespedeza Cuneata) in Working Pine Forests

William Lewis , Allison Colter , Daniel U Greene , William Gulsby
Available at SSRN 4563085

Comparison of Fencing Designs for Excluding Deer from Roadways

William D. Gulsby , Gino J. D'Angelo , Karl V. Miller , David A. Osborn
Human–Wildlife Interactions 5 ( 1) 7

If you plant it, they won't come immediately

William D. Gulsby , Robert Gitzen , Natalie R. Harris
2019 ESA Annual Meeting (August 11 -- 16)

Patterns of testosterone in male white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus): Seasonal and lifetime variation.

William D. Gulsby , Sarah Zohdy , Stephen S. Ditchkoff , Chad H. Newbolt
Ecology and Evolution 11 ( 10) 5320 -5330

Parasitology, Virology, and Serology of Free-Ranging Coyotes (Canis latrans) from Central Georgia, USA

Michelle Gates , Richard W. Gerhold , Rebecca P. Wilkes , William D. Gulsby
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 50 ( 4) 896 -901

Behavioral response of white-tailed deer to coyote predation risk

William D. Gulsby , Michael J. Cherry , James T. Johnson , L. Mike Conner
Ecosphere 9 ( 3)

Effects of Breeding Chronology on White‐Tailed Deer Productivity in Alabama

Mark A. Turner , William D. Gulsby , Stephen S. Ditchkoff , William N. Gray
Wildlife Society Bulletin 43 ( 4) 701 -707

Improving Coastal Plain Hardwoods for Deer and Turkeys with Canopy Reduction and Fire

Mark A. Turner , William D. Gulsby , Craig A. Harper , Stephen S. Ditchkoff
Wildlife Society Bulletin 44 ( 4) 705 -712

Movements and home ranges of white-tailed deer in response to roadside fences†

William D. Gulsby , Daniel W. Stull , George R. Gallagher , David A. Osborn
Wildlife Society Bulletin 35 ( 3) 282 -290

White‐tailed deer fawn recruitment before and after experimental coyote removals in central Georgia

William D. Gulsby , Charlie H. Killmaster , John W. Bowers , James D. Kelly
Wildlife Society Bulletin 39 ( 2) 248 -255

Efficacy and precision of fecal genotyping to estimate coyote abundance

William D. Gulsby , Charlie H. Killmaster , John W. Bowers , Jared S. Laufenberg
Wildlife Society Bulletin 40 ( 4) 792 -799

Effects of restrictive harvest criteria on antler size of hunter‐harvested male white‐tailed deer and hunter opportunity

William D. Gulsby , Charlie H. Killmaster , John W. Bowers , Karl V. Miller
Wildlife Society Bulletin 43 ( 2) 213 -221

Landscape heterogeneity reduces coyote predation on white-tailed deer fawns

William D. Gulsby , John C. Kilgo , Mark Vukovich , James A. Martin
The Journal of Wildlife Management 81 ( 4) 601 -609

Effects of longleaf pine planting density and other factors on stand structure and associated wildlife habitat

Evan A. Wheeler , William D. Gulsby , John S. Kush , Robert A. Gitzen
Restoration Ecology 28 ( 3) 594 -602

Songbird Use of White-Tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) Food Plots in Appalachian Hardwood Forests

Wilson E. Ricks , Robert J. Cooper , William D. Gulsby , Karl V. Miller
Southeastern Naturalist 15 ( 1) 162 -174

The ecological effects of Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense) invasion: a synthesis

James S. Cash , Christopher J. Anderson , William D. Gulsby
Invasive Plant Science and Management 13 ( 1) 3 -13

Where deer roam: chronic yet acute site exposures preclude ecological risk assessment.

Lawrence V. Tannenbaum , William D. Gulsby , Shaina S. Zobel , Karl V. Miller
Risk Analysis 33 ( 5) 789 -799