A Furrer , T Strässle
1st International Conference on Magnetic Refrigeration at Room Temperature
AM Saitta , T Strässle , S Klotz , F Saija
11th International Conference on the Physics and Chemistry of Ice (PCI-2006)
S Klotz , T Strässle , AM Saitta , Y Le Godec
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2005 MR13B -06
AM Saitta , T Strässle , G Rousse , G Hamel
IUCr High-Pressure Commission Conference
T Strässle , S Klotz , M Saitta , M Braden
11th International Conference on the Physics and Chemistry of Ice (PCI-2006) 140 -140
A Braun , A Ovalle , Q Chen , A Cervelino
S Klotz , T Strässle , C Salzmann , J Philippe
11th International Conference on the Physics and Chemistry of Ice (PCI-2006) 62 -62
T Strässle , C Bull , M Guthrie , J Loveday
11th International Conference on the Physics and Chemistry of Ice (PCI-2006) 133 -133
R Nelmes , J Loveday , T Strässle , C Bull
11th International Conference on the Physics and Chemistry of Ice (PCI-2006) 30 -30
T. Strassle , S. Klotz , M. Saitta , L. E. Bove
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2012
C. Kraemer , N. Nikseresht , J. O. Piatek , N. Tsyrulin
Science 336 ( 6087) 1416 -1419
Th Str ssle , M Divis , J Rusz , S Janssen
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 15 ( 19) 3257 -3266
Th Strässle , DP Kozlenko , VP Glazkov , BN Savenko
Applied Physics A 74 ( 1) 1022 -1024
T. Herrmannsd�rfer , P. Fischer , T. Str�ssle , I.N. Goncharenko
Applied Physics A 74 ( 1) 754 -756
A. Pirogov , A. Podlesnyak , T. Str�ssle , A. Mirmelstein
Applied Physics A 74 ( 1) 598 -600
M. Kenzelmann , Th. Strassle , C. Niedermayer , M. Sigrist
Science 321 ( 5896) 1652 -1654
Th. Strässle , A. Furrer , A. Dönni , T. Komatsubara
Journal of Applied Physics 91 ( 10) 8543 -8545
O Zaharko , J Mesot , LA Salguero , R Valenti
arXiv preprint arXiv:0801.1507
GM Rotaru , B Padmanabhan , SN Gvasaliya , B Roessli
Journal of Physics. Conference Series (Online) 251
GM Rotaru , SN Gvasaliya , V Pomjakushin , B Roessli
Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter 20