Liquid Lithium Limiter Effects on Tokamak Plasmas and Plasma-Liquid Surface Interactions

R. Kaita , R. Majeski , R. Doerner , G. Antar
Other Information: PBD: 15 Oct 2002

Disruption mitigation using high pressure gas jets

Dennis G. Whyte
U. Wisconsin - Madison

Section 1. Reviews

V Philipps , R Kamendje , JET-EFDA Contributors , V Bobkov
Smpte Journal

Relationship between Edge Gradients and Plasma Flows in Alcator C-Mod

B LaBombard , N Smick , A Graf , K Marr
APS Division of Plasma Physics Meeting Abstracts 50 JO3. 007 -JO3. 007

Observation of main-chamber heat loads during disruptions in DIII-D

EM Hollmann , DS Gray , NH Brooks , TE Evans
Proc. 31st European Physical Society on Plasma Physics 2004 (London, 2004)

Predictive Modeling of Plasma Halo Evolution in Post-Thermal Quench Disrupting Plasmas

DA Humphreys , DG Whyte , M Bakhtiari , RD DERANIAN
Proc. 33rd EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Rome, Italy

Advanced tokamak operation using the DIII-D plasma control system

DA Humphreys , JR Ferron , AM Garofalo , AW Hyatt
General Atomics, San Diego, CA (United States)

Experiments Toward Understanding Impurity Assimilation During Massive Gas Injection for Disruption Mitigation in DIII-D

EM Hollmann , JA Boedo , RA Moyer , DL Rudakov
APS Division of Plasma Physics Meeting Abstracts 49 JP8. 112 -JP8. 112

Disruption Thermal Quench Mitigation by Noble Gas Jet Injection Ex-S in DIII-D

EM Hollmann , DS Gray , DG Whyte , TC Jernigan
Gas 20 40 -40

Shape and Current Profile Effects on Runaway Electron Confinement

VA Izzo , AN James , DA Humphreys , RS Granetz
APS Division of Plasma Physics Meeting Abstracts 53 NO4. 012 -NO4. 012

DIII-D Studies of Massive Gas Injection for Disruption Mitigation

EM Hollmann , G Antar , JA Boedo , RA Moyer
APS Division of Plasma Physics Meeting Abstracts 48 UP1. 019 -UP1. 019

A Comparison of Divertor Heat Flux Profile Evolution in DIII--D Disruptions Unmitigated and Mitigated by Pre-Disruption Impurity Atom Injection

AW Hyatt , RL Lee , PL Taylor , TE Evans
APS Division of Plasma Physics Meeting Abstracts R8P. 10 -R8P. 10

Disruption Mitigation by Massive Gas Injection on DIII--D

TC Jernigan , LR Baylor , SK Combs , SL Milora
APS Division of Plasma Physics Meeting Abstracts R8P. 11 -R8P. 11

Runaway Electron Diagnostic for Disruptions in DIII--D

PL Taylor , RL Lee , TE Evans , DA Humphreys
APS Division of Plasma Physics Meeting Abstracts lWepP123 -lWepP123

Spectroscopic Investigation of Disuptions on DIII--D

DG Whyte , TE Evans , AG Kellman , DA Humphreys
APS Division of Plasma Physics Meeting Abstracts 3Q. 20 -3Q. 20

Ç╡ 7ò è╞* z0* qe* è αö* $¿ í* Σ

RS Granetz , O Gruber , D Humphreys , Y Kawano

ELSEVIER Journal of Nuclear Materials 241-243 (1997) 1253-1276

M Ali Mahdavi , GM Staebler , RD Wood , DG Whyte
Journal of Nuclear Materials 241 ( 243) 1253 -1276