Design innovations delivered under the nation building economic stimulus plan-social housing initiative

Rob McGauran , Nigel Bertram , Stephen Glackin , Byron Meyer
AHURI Positioning Paper ( 155)

Greening the greyfields: ENVISION 1.0

Stephen Glackin , Peter W. Newton
Cooperative Research Centre for Spatial Information (CRCSI)

Greening the greyfields: trials, tools, and tribulations of redevelopment in the established suburbs

Roman Trubka , Stephen Glackin , Michael Mouritz , Peter Newman
2013 Planning Institute of Australia National Congress, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia, 24-27 March 2013

Community, individuality and complexity: how superficiality, self-interest and cultural superiority contribute to the development of contemporary urban communities

Stephen Glackin
Glackin, Stephen <, Stephen.html> (2010) Community, individuality and complexity: how superficiality, self-interest and cultural superiority contribute to the development of contemporary urban communities. PhD thesis, Murdoch University.

Strategically using public housing assets could transform our middle suburbs

Rob McGauran , Nigel Bertram , Stephen Glackin , Byron Meyer
AHURI Research and Policy Bulletin ( 194)

Using geo-spatial techniques as stakeholder engagement tools in urban planning and development, for neighbourhood change in the established suburbs

Stephen Glackin , Peter W. Newton
Tools for Change Symposium, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia, 12 April 2013

Housing Design Innovations Delivered Under the National Social Housing Initiative

Rob McGauran , Nigel Bertram , Stephen Glackin , Byron Meyer
State of Australian Cities National Conference (SOAC 2015), Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, 09-11 December 2015 1 -16

Creating a spatial decision support system for housing redevelopment in Australian greyfields

Roman Trubka , Stephen Glackin
7th Australasian Housing Researchers’ Conference, Fremantle, W.A., 6th – 8th February 2013

Interdisciplinary tools to enable middle suburb regeneration

Roman Trubka , Stephen Glackin , Simon Kingham , Peter Newman
State of Australian Cities National Conference (SOAC 2015), Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, 9-11 Decemeber 2015 / Paul Burton and Heather Shearer (eds)

Precinct Regeneration of Dispersed Public Housing in Middle Suburbs

Rob McGauran , Nigel Bertram , Stephen Glackin , Byron Meyer
State of Australian Cities National Conference 2015, SOAC 2015, Gold Coast, Queensland, 9-11 December 2015 1 -15

Big city planning and digital tools: improving urban and transport planning

Charlie Hargroves , Stephen Glackin , Hussein Dia , Peter Newman
Sustainable Built Environment National Research Centre

A data-driven collaborative-planning approach for developing sustainable medium-density housing in cities

Ori Gudes , Stephen Glackin , Christopher J. Pettit , Alex Leith
8th State of Australian Cities National Conference, 28-30 November 2017, Adelaide, Australia

Full-stack engagement: vertical integration and process-precursors that promote bottom-up urban transformation

Ori Gudes , Stephen Glackin
8th State of Australian Cities National Conference, 28-30 November 2017, Adelaide, Australia

Understanding the disruptive technology ecosystem in Australian urban and housing contexts: a roadmap

Stephen Glackin , Ellie Rennie , Edgar Liu , Christopher Pettit

From design vision to economic feasibility: using a data-driven approach

Ori Gudes , Stephen Glackin , Ye Shi , Christopher J. Pettit
9th State of Australian Cities National Conference, 30 November - 5 December 2019, Perth, Australia

A web-based 3D visualisation and assessment system for urban precinct scenario modelling

Roman Trubka , Stephen Glackin , Oliver Lade , Chris Pettit
Isprs Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 117 175 -186

Using geo-spatial technologies as stakeholder engagement tools in urban planning and development

Peter Newton , Stephen Glackin
Built Environment 39 ( 4) 473 -501

"Deep engagement" and urban regeneration: tea, trust, and the quest for co-design at precinct scale

Stephen Glackin , Maria Rita Dionisio
Land Use Policy 52 ( 52) 363 -373

The unintended consequences of strata title for urban regeneration

Rebecca Leshinsky , Peter Newton , Stephen Glackin
Multi-owned property in the Asia-Pacific region: Rights, restrictions and responsibilities / Erika Altmann and Michelle Gabriel (eds.) 2 17 -37