New excavations at La Ferrassie: Preliminary results on some of the lithic industries

Alain Turq , Laurent Chiotti , Vera Aldeias , Dennis Sandgathe
ESHE 3rd Annual Meeting 231 -231

Dose-rate conversion factors: update

Guillaume Guérin , G. Adamiec , Norbert Mercier
Ancient TL 16 37 -50

Bayesian statistics in luminescence dating: The ’baSAR’-model and its implementation in the R package ’Luminescence’

Pierre Guibert , Guillaume Guérin , Norbert Mercier , Philippe Lanos
Ancient TL 34 ( 2) 14 -21

A Bayesian model for the OSL dating of poorly bleached sediment samples

Anne Philippe , Claire Christophe , Norbert Mercier , Alicia Medialdea
UK Luminescence and ESR Dating Meeting 2016

Projet NéMo : The Chronology and Cultural Context of Neandertal Skeletal Material in Southwestern France

Emmanuel Discamps , Alain Turq , Bruno Maureille , William Rendu
European Society for the study of Human Evolution

Une approche multi-méthodes (TL, OSL, IRSL) et multi-matérielles (silex, quartz et feldspath) pour de nouvelles données chronologiques de gisements moustériens (MIS 5-3) du sud-ouest de la France

Alain Turq , Bruno Maureille , Anne Delagnes , Marine Frouin
Journées Francophones le temps long en préhistoire Contribution des méthodes de datation à la connaissance des peuplements anciens

New data about the chronology of middle Pleistocene (MIS 5-3) Mousterian sites of southwest France: A multi-method (OSL, IRSL and TL) and multi-material (quartz, feldspars and flint) approach

Alain Turq , Bruno Maureille , Anne Delagnes , Marine Frouin
3 rd Annual Meeting of the European Society for the study of Human Evolution 91

Bayesian luminescence dating at Ghār-e Boof, Iran, provides a new chronology for Middle and Upper Paleolithic in the southern Zagros.

Nicholas J. Conard , Guillaume Guérin , Mohsen Zeidi , Maryam Heydari
Journal of Human Evolution 151 102926

Beta dose rates to quartz grains : beyond the infinite matrix assumption

Yannick Lefrais , Guillaume Guérin , Norbert Mercier , R. Nathan
13th Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating

24.0 kyr cal BP stone artefact from Vale da Pedra Furada, Piauí, Brazil: Techno-functional analysis.

Christophe Griggo , Eric Boëda , Ximena Villagran , David Hérisson
PLOS ONE 16 ( 3)

New insights into a late-Pleistocene human occupation in America: the Vale da Pedra Furada chronological study

Eric Boëda , Niede Guidon , Guillaume Guérin , Mario A. Pino
14th Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating

Insights into Site Formation Processes of the Middle and Upper Paleolithic Layers in the Western Section of La Ferrassie (Dordogne)

Alain Turq , L. Chiotti , V. Aldeias , D. Sandgathe
3rd annual Meeting European Society for the Study of Human Evolution

Earliest occupation of the Central Aegean (Naxos), Greece: Implications for hominin and Homo sapiens’ behavior and dispersals

Tristan Carter , Daniel A. Contreras , Justin Holcomb , Danica D. Mihailović
Science Advances 5 ( 10)

Reply to: “A response to some unwarranted criticisms of single-grain dating” by J.K. Feathers

Kristina J Thomsen , Andrew S Murray , Jan-Pieter Buylaert , Mayank Jain
Quaternary Geochronology 37 8 -14

New luminescence dating results based on polymineral fine grains from the Middle and Upper Palaeolithic site of La Ferrassie (Dordogne, SW France)

Marine Frouin , Guillaume Guérin , Christelle Lahaye , Norbert Mercier
Quaternary Geochronology 39 131 -141