Xiaolan Fu , Dinar Kale , Raphael Kaplinksy
Routledge 127 -145
R. Kaplinsky , R. Bell , C. Cooper
International Labour Organization
R. Kaplinsky , J. Bessant , J. Barnes , M. Morris
Department of Science and Technology
R. Kaplinsky , W. Satyayakwit , R. Bell , C. Cooper
International Labour Office
R. Kaplinsky , D. Pimentel , N. Clark , C. Edquist
UNDP/OPE and Institute of Development Studies
R. Kaplinsky , A. Posthuma
United Nations University (INTECH)
R. Kaplinsky , S. Chishti
Indian Institute of Foreign Trade
R. Kaplinsky , C. Cooper
International Labour Office
R. Kaplinsky
K. Asenso-Okyere , N. Akua Anyidoho , S. Barrientos , S. Asuming-Brempong
London: http://collaboration.cadbury.com/ourresponsibilities/cadburycocoapartnership/Pages/mappingsustableproduction.aspx; 2008.
R. Kaplinsky
Research Papers in Economics
R. Kaplinsky
R. Kaplinsky
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 2 ( 1) 15 -24
R. Kaplinsky
Voprosy Economiki 10 ( 10) 4 -26
R. Kaplinsky
Journal of Development Studies 37 ( 2) 117 -146
Raphael Kaplinsky
Edward Elgar
Raphael Kaplinsky
Universidade de Sao Poalo e Universidade Esrtadual de Campinas
Raphael Kaplinsky
Royal College of Art
Raphael Kaplinsky
Raphael Kaplinsky
Intermediate Technology Publications