Polar Climate Modelling: Regional Feedbacks and Global Links an IPY Approach

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Modelling and measurements for an intergrated view of the coupled Arctic climate system

Klaus Dethloff , Christof Lüpkes , A. Hense , Annette Rinke
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Polar climate changes: regional feedbacks and global links

Klaus Dethloff , Annette Rinke , S. K. Saha , Wolfgang Dorn
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The influence of an improved soil scheme on the arctic climate in a regional climate model (RCM) = Der Einfluss eines verbesserten Bodenschemas auf das arktische Klima in einem regionalen Klimamodell

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Effects of Eurasian Snow on the Global Teleconnections of the Indian Summer Monsoon

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Seasonal Prediction of the Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall: Improved Estimate of Predictability

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A new paradigm of seasonal prediction of the lightning over India

A. Hazra , S. Pokhrel , S. K. Saha , B. N. Goswami
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Impact of revised cloud microphysical scheme in CFSv2 on the simulation of the Indian summer monsoon

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Influence of a complex land surface scheme on Arctic climate simulations

S. K. Saha , A. Rinke , K. Dethloff , P. Kuhry
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Future winter extreme temperature and precipitation events in the Arctic

S. K. Saha , A. Rinke , K. Dethloff
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Atypical Pneumococcal Serogroup 35 in Bangladesh.

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Proteomics of paediatric airway secretions to identify potential biomarkers to guide antibiotic decision making in LRTI

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Global incidence of serogroup B invasive meningococcal disease: a systematic review

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