D Neov , X Ficquet , P Gilles , P Joly
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C Gardin , S Courtin , G Bezine , D Bertheau
Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures 30 ( 3) 231 -242
S Bradaï , C Gourdin , S Courtin , JC Le Roux
Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference 56963 V003T03A040 -V003T03A040
C Gourdin , S Bradaï , S Courtin , JC Le Roux
ICMFF11-International Conference on Multiaxial Fatigue and Fracture
C Gardin , S Courtin , G Bezine , D Bertheau
S Courtin , Ph Gilles , P Joly , C Ohms
20th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology (SMiRT 20), August 9-14, 2009, Espoo, Finland 1 -8
Ph Gilles , S Courtin , R Vincent , M Yescas
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Sergio Arrieta Gómez , Sergio Cicero González , K Mottershead , Roman Cicero González
Sociedad Espanñola de Integridad Estructural. Grupo español de Fractura
S Arrieta , S Cicero , K Mottershead , R Cicero
V Robin , S Courtin , Ph Gilles , M Zemmouri
S Courtin , R Beaufils
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Université de Poitiers, Poitiers, France
S Courtin , Ph Gilles
Sergio Arrieta Gómez , Sergio Cicero González , K Mottershead , Román Cicero González
Revista española de mecánica de la fractura ( 3) 225 -230
F Fremy , S Pommier , E Galenne , S Courtin
Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale 9 ( 33) 397 -403
O Asserin , D Ayrault , P Gilles , S Courtin
Revue Generale Nucleaire
O Asserin , D Ayrault , P Gilles , S Courtin
Revue Generale Nucleaire 48 -58
G Barbier , R Desmorat , J-P Sermage , S Courtin
SMIRT20 Structural Mechanics In Reator Technology.
Flavien Fremy , Sylvie Pommier , Erwan Galenne , Stephan Courtin
International Journal of Fatigue 62 113 -118