Amy Price , Jeff Price , Sam Droege
Jeff Price , Rachel Warren , Rhosanna Jenkins
Guy F. Midgley , Wolfgang Kiessling , Jeff Price , Mark J. Costello
Biological Conservation 257 109070
Jeff Price , Rachel Warren , Rhosanna Jenkins
Elsevier 85 -114
Delphine Deryng , Declan Conway , Navin Ramankutty , Jeff Price
Environmental Research Letters 9 ( 3) 034011
Osgur McDermott Long , Rachel Warren , Jeff Price , Tom M. Brereton
Journal of Animal Ecology 86 ( 1) 108 -116
Therese M. Donovan , Carol J. Beardmore , David N. Bonter , Jeffrey D. Brawn
Journal of Field Ornithology 73 ( 4) 329 -339
Brian C. O'Neill , Michael Oppenheimer , Rachel Warren , Stephane Hallegatte
Nature Climate Change 7 ( 1) 28 -37
M Case , M Tchamba , M Fiu , J Rubens
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 6 ( 35) 352017
Temitope Samuel Egbebiyi , Olivier Crespo , Christopher Lennard , Modathir Zaroug
PeerJ 8
Virginia R. Burkett , Douglas A. Wilcox , Robert Stottlemyer , Wylie Barrow
Ecological Complexity 2 ( 4) 357 -394
Bernardo B.N. Strassburg , Annabel Kelly , Andrew Balmford , Richard G. Davies
Conservation Letters 3 ( 2) 98 -105
Jeff Price
Smpte Journal
Sarah P Saunders , Joanna Grand , Brooke L Bateman , Mariah Meek
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 21 ( 2) 77 -84
Sarah C Davies , Patrick L Thompson , Catalina Gomez , Jessica Nephin
Ecography e06731
Daoping Wang , Katie Jenkins , Nicole Forstenhäusler , Tianyang Lei
Climatic Change 166 ( 3-4) 30
Pete Smith , Jeff Price , Amy Molotoks , Rachel Warren
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 376 ( 2119) 20160456
Jeff Price , Rachel Warren , Nicole Forstenhäusler , Craig Wallace
Climatic Change 174 ( 1) 12 -12
Rachel Warren , Oliver Andrews , Sally Brown , Felipe J Colón-González
Climatic Change 172 ( 3) 39 -39
Rachel Warren , Jeff Price , Bernardo Strassburg , Jason Lowe
Met Office Hadley Centre, UK