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Cadiou S , Lydiane A , Bustamante M , Maitre L
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Lemarchand C , Gabet S , Tvardik N , Cénée S
Environmental Epidemiology 3 231 -232
Slama R , Demeneix B
Environmental Epidemiology 3 373
Stratakis N , Conti D , Maitre L , Papadopoulou E
Environmental Epidemiology 3 384
R Slama , J Bernard , Y Najean
Bulletins et mémoires de la Société médicale des hôpitaux de Paris 113 600 -606
J Cyrys , C Graebsch , O Herbarth , H Wichmann
Epidemiology 19 ( 6)
R Slama , O Boutou , B Ducot , A Spira
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 62 ( 6) 513 -521
Xavier Fritel , Bertrand Gachon , MJ Saurel‐Cubizolles , EDEN Mother–Child Cohort Study Group
British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 127 ( 5) 619 -627
R Slama , J Cyrys , V Morgenstern , J Bouyer
Epidemiology 18
R Slama , O Thiébaugeorges , V Goua , I Annesi-Maesano
Epidemiology 18
O Boutou , A-V Guizard , R Slama , D Pottier
British Journal of Cancer 87 ( 7) 740 -745
R Slama , S Sinno-Tellier , O Thiébaugeorges , V Goua
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R Slama , V Morgenstern , J Bouyer , J Heinrich
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R Slama , B Ducot , L Carstensen , C Lorente
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M Bourguignon , R Masse , R Slama , A Spira
Controle (Paris)
N Stratakis , K Margetaki , DV Conti , E Garcia
ISEE Conference Abstracts 2020 ( 1)
E Papadopoulou , N Stratakis , X Basagaña , M Casas
ISEE Conference Abstracts 2020 ( 1)
E Garcia , N Stratakis , D Valvi , L Maitre
ISEE Conference Abstracts 2020 ( 1)
R Slama , A Bohet , S Sinno-Tellier , O Thiébaugeorges
Revue D Epidemiologie Et De Sante Publique 54 69