M Mahbobi Y Heydarpour
2nd International Biennial Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Conference (OGPC2018)
Y Heydarpour V Ahmadi Sarbast
2nd International Biennial Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Conference (OGPC2018)
Y. Heydarpour , P. Malekzadeh , M. M. Aghdam
Meccanica 49 ( 2) 267 -282
P. Malekzadeh , Y. Heydarpour
Meccanica 50 ( 1) 143 -167
Y. Heydarpour , M.M. Aghdam
Composites Part B-engineering 97 120 -140
P. Malekzadeh , M. R. Golbahar Haghighi , Y. Heydarpour
Numerical Heat Transfer Part A-applications 61 ( 8) 614 -632
P. Malekzadeh , Y. Heydarpour
Thin-Walled Structures 58 51 -66
Y. Heydarpour , M.M. Aghdam
Thin-walled Structures 104 168 -184
P. Malekzadeh , Y. Heydarpour , M.R. Golbahar Haghighi , M. Vaghefi
International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 98 43 -56
Y. Heydarpour , M. M. Aghdam
Acta Mechanica 228 ( 9) 2965 -2986
P. Malekzadeh , S. R. Mohebpour , Y. Heydarpour
Acta Mechanica 223 ( 6) 1341 -1350
Y. Heydarpour , P. Malekzadeh , M. R. Golbahar Haghighi , M. Vaghefi
Acta Mechanica 223 ( 1) 81 -93
Y. Heydarpour , M.M. Aghdam
Composite Structures 154 344 -359
Y. Heydarpour , M.M. Aghdam , P. Malekzadeh
Composite Structures 117 187 -200
P. Malekzadeh , Y. Heydarpour
Composite Structures 94 ( 9) 2971 -2981
P. Malekzadeh , Y. Heydarpour
Composite Structures 97 176 -188
Yasin Heydarpour , Parviz Malekzadeh
Journal of The Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 41 ( 4) 1 -14
Yasin Heydarpour , Morteza Mohammadzaheri , Mojtaba Ghodsi , Payam Soltani
Thin-walled Structures 155 106914
Yasin Heydarpour , Parviz Malekzadeh , Fatemeh Gholipour
Composites Part B-engineering 164 400 -424
Yasin Heydarpour , Parviz Malekzadeh , Rossana Dimitri , Francesco Tornabene
Composite Structures 235 111707