Radiometric ages of metamorphic and plutonic rocks in South Korea

Tetsumaru Itaya , Chang Whan Oh , Hironobu Hyodo , Sung Won Kim
自然科学研究所研究報告 24 29 -61

Intergrowth and Interlayering of Muscovite, Chlorite, and Biotite in a Garnet Zone Metamorphic Rock of the Ogcheon Belt, South Korea

Yeong Boo Lee , Chang Whan Oh , Jung Hoo Lee
Journal of the mineralogical society of Korea 15 ( 2) 122 -131

The first finding of Eclogite relict in the Korean Peninsula and its tectonic meaning

Mingguo Zhai , Jinghui Guo , Seon Gyu Choi , Chang Whan Oh
대한지질학회 학술대회 7 -8

The ⁴⁰Ar/³⁹Ar age dating on the metamorphic rocks in Miwon area, the middle part of the Ogcheon Metamorphic Belt

Tetsumaru Itaya , Chang Whan Oh , Hironobu Hyodo , Sung Won Kim
대한지질학회 학술대회 103 -103

Metamorphic evolution of the Okcheon Metamorphic Belt in South Korea and its implications for northeast Asian tectonics

In-Chang Ryu , Tetsumaru Itaya , Sajeev Krishnan , Seon Gyu Choi
대한지질학회 학술대회 9 -9

Tectonic relationship between Korea, China and Japan during the Late Permian to Triassic

Timothy Kusky , Chang Whan Oh
대한지질학회 학술대회 72 -72

The P-T Condition and Timing of the Main Metamorphism in the Southwestern Part of the Okchon Metamorphic Belt

Jung Hoo Lee , Chang Whan Oh , Seon Tae Kim
지질학회지 31 ( 4) 343 -361

The middle Paleozoic tectonic events in the eastern Wolhyeonri complex in the Hongseong area

Takeshi Imayama , Chang Whan Oh , Ji-min Jeon
한국암석학회 학술발표회 논문집 27 -27

Regional intermediate-P/T middle Paleozoic metamorphism of the eastern Wolhyeonri complex in the southwestern Gyeonggi massif

Takeshi Imayama , Chang Whan Oh , Keewook Yi , Jimin Jeon
대한지질학회 학술대회 162 -162

The Neoproterozoic and Cretaceous Tectonic Evolution and Important Geoheritages in the Gogunsan Archipelago

Seung Hwan Lee , Chang Whan Oh , Bo Young Lee , Won Jeong Kim
The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea 28 ( 4) 251 -277

Quantitative Resilience Analysis of Fiji to Cyclones

Soonyoung Yu , Sung Wook Kim , Kyung-Ho Park , Chang Whan Oh
Journal of The Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation 12 ( 2) 55 -63