Eric A. Fong , Xuejing Xing , Wafa Hakim Orman , William I. Mackenzie
Journal of Business Research 68 ( 2) 299 -305
International Journal of Innovation Management 20 ( 03) 1650021
Robert E Ployhart , William I MacKenzie
Routledge 85 -99
Nathan L Tenhundfeld , Ryan Weber , William I MacKenzie , Hannah M Barr
arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.17581
Ryan Weber , William I MacKenzie , Candice Lanius
Journal of Applied Communication Research 51 ( 3) 283 -301
William I MacKenzie Jr , Robert F Scherer , Timothy J Wilkinson , Norman A Solomon
Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences 36 ( 1) 1 -15
Daniel L Morrell , William I MacKenzie Jr
Leadership & Organizational Management Journal 2011 ( 2)
William I MacKenzie Jr
University of South Carolina
Kandyce Fernandez , Robbie Waters Robichau , Jennifer K Alexander , William I Mackenzie
VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations 33 ( 5) 1051 -1063
RE Ployhart , WI MacKenzie , CE Lance , R Vandenberg
RE Ployhart , MC Campion , WI MacKenzie
27th annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, San Diego, CA
W. Lee Grubb , Michael L. Harris , William I. MacKenzie
Journal of Small Business Strategy 17 ( 2) 27 -36
William I. MacKenzie , Ryan Weber , Candice L. Lanius
Social Network Analysis and Mining 11 ( 1) 32 -32
William I. MacKenzie , Robert F. Scherer
Journal of Social Psychology 159 ( 2) 119 -124
Malayka Klimchak , Melissa Carsten , Daniel Morrell , William I. MacKenzie
Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 23 ( 4) 387 -396
Robert E. Ployhart , Chad H. Van Iddekinge , William I. MacKenzie
Academy of Management Journal 54 ( 2) 353 -368
William I. MacKenzie , Brian S. Klaas , John A. McClendon
Journal of Labor Research 33 ( 3) 370 -387
William I. MacKenzie , Robert E. Ployhart , Jeff A. Weekley , Clay Ehlers
Human Performance 23 ( 1) 1 -21
Michael C. Campion , Robert E. Ployhart , William I. MacKenzie
Human Performance 27 ( 4) 283 -310
Robert E. Ployhart , William I. MacKenzie
American Psychological Association 237 -252