E. Grimal , E. Bourdarot , S. Multon , A. Sellier
Special Publication 266 101 -108
E. Grimal , M. Cyr , E. Bourdarot , A. Sellier
Special Publication 266 109 -126
A Bourchy , M Cyr , L Lacarrière , S Multon
FIB Symposium 2020
S. Multon , F. Toutlemonde
Materials and Structures 37 ( 6) 378 -386
S. Multon , J.F. Seignol , F. Toutlemonde
Structural Engineering and Mechanics 22 ( 1) 71 -83
L.F.M. Sanchez , S. Multon , A. Sellier , M. Cyr
Construction and Building Materials 72 ( 72) 301 -315
D. Siegert , S. Multon , F. Toutlemonde
Experimental Techniques 29 ( 6) 37 -40
S. Multon , M. Cyr , A. Sellier , N. Leklou
Cement and Concrete Research 38 ( 3) 350 -359
E. Grimal , A. Sellier , S. Multon , Y. Le Pape
Cement and Concrete Research 40 ( 4) 502 -507
A. Pichelin , M. Carcassès , F. Cassagnabère , S. Multon
Cement & Concrete Composites 113 103738
S. Multon , E. Merliot , M. Joly , F. Toutlemonde
Materials and Structures 37 ( 5) 282 -288
X.X. Gao , M. Cyr , S. Multon , A. Sellier
Cement & Concrete Composites 37 82 -94
B. Perrin , N.A. Vu , S. Multon , T. Voland
Construction and Building Materials 25 ( 2) 1056 -1064
Alain Sellier , Eric Bourdarot , Stephane Multon , Martin Cyr
ACI materials journal 106 ( 3) 281 -290
Stephane Multon , Stephane Dubroca , Jean-Francis Seignol , Francois Toutlemonde
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Alkali-Aggregate Reaction in Concrete, China 1181 -1190
Stephane Multon , Francois-Xaver Barin , G Bruno , Francois Toutlemonde
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Alkali Aggregate Reaction
Taito Miura , Stephane Multon , Yuichiro Kawabata
Springer Nature Switzerland 257 -264
Misato Fujishima , Taito Miura , Yuya Takahashi , Stephane Multon
Springer Nature Switzerland 124 -132
Thomas Jochyms , Yvan Thiebaut , Laurent Boutillon , Djemal Belili