International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 17 ( 04) 815 -832
Adriano Valenzano , Luca Durante , Riccardo Sisto
32th ISATA Int. Conf. 231 -238
Elio Piccolo , Adriano Valenzano , Luca Durante , Riccardo Sisto
UTET Libreria 1 -313
Luca Durante , Riccardo Sisto , Adriano Valenzano ,
Electrónica e Telecomunicações 3 ( 1) 43 -46
Adriano Valenzano , Luca Durante , Riccardo Sisto
software engineering and knowledge engineering 139 -147
Lucia Seno , Adriano Valenzano , Luca Durante
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 16 2637 -2651
Ivan Cibrario B. , Luca Durante , Riccardo Sisto , Adriano Valenzano
international conference on detection of intrusions and malware and vulnerability assessment 3548 69 -84
Manuel Cheminod , Luca Durante , Adriano Valenzano
international symposium on industrial embedded systems 247 -265
Manuel Cheminod , Luca Durante , Lucia Seno , Adriano Valenzano
international symposium on industrial embedded systems 1 -10
Ivan Cibrario B. , Luca Durante , Riccardo Sisto , Adriano Valenzano
automated technology for verification and analysis 3299 135 -149
Ivan Cibrario Bertolotti , Luca Durante , Riccardo Sisto , Adriano Valenzano
Formal Aspects of Computing 20 ( 3) 303 -348
Manuel Cheminod , Luca Durante , Fulvio Valenza , Adriano Valenzano
international workshop on factory communication systems 1 -9
Manuel Cheminod , Luca Durante , Lucia Seno , Fulvio Valenza
international workshop on factory communication systems 1 -7
Manuel Cheminod , Luca Durante , Lucia Seno , Fulvio Valenza
international workshop on factory communication systems 1 -9
Ivan Cibario Bertolotti , Luca Durante , Riccardo Sisto , Adriano Valenzano
formal techniques for networked and distributed systems 2767 224 -239
Manuel Cheminod , Luca Durante , Adriano Valenzano , Claudio Zunino
emerging technologies and factory automation 1 -8
Marco Cereia , Ivan Cibrario Bertolotti , Luca Durante , Adriano Valenzano
Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Emerging Technology and Factory Automation (ETFA) 1 -8
Andrea Ballarino , Alessandro Brusaferri , Marco Cereia , Ivan Cibrario Bertolotti
Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Emerging Technology and Factory Automation (ETFA) 1 -6
Luca Durante , Riccardo Sisto , Adriano Valenzano
formal techniques for networked and distributed systems 155 -170
Ivan Cibrario Bertolotti , Luca Durante , Tingting Hu , Adriano Valenzano
ieee aess european conference on satellite telecommunications 1 -6