David Stahle
David Stahle , Edward Cook , Dorian Burnette , Max Torbenson
98th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting
Lidio Lopez Callejas , David Stahle , Ricardo Villalba , Max Torbenson
Geophysical Research Letters 44 ( 14) 7410 -7418
Mariano M Amoroso , James H Speer , Lori D Daniels , Ricardo Villalba
Tree-ring Research 74 ( 1) 120 -131
Matthew Therrell , David Stahle
Journal of Biogeography 25 ( 5) 847 -854
Fidel A Roig , Jonathan G Palmer , Edward R Cook , Gretel Boswijk
La dendroécologie
Max Lloyd , Rebekah Stein , Korbinian Thalhammer , Richard Barclay
2022 Goldschmidt Conference
Max Lloyd , Rebekah Stein , Daniel Ibarra , Korbinian Thalhammer
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2021 PP24B -08
Lidio López , Ricardo Villalba , David Stahle
Dendrochronologia 72 125932 -125932
David Stahle
The 95th ESA Annual Meeting
Hisashi Abe , Pedro Acevedo-Rodríguez , Umesh P Agarwal , Gilberto Aleman
IAWA Journal 42 ( 1) 100 -100
David W. Stahle
Tree-ring Bulletin 39 1 -28
David W. Stahle
Natural History 111 ( 1) 48 -53
Dawn Opland , Lorenzo Vazguez Selem , David W. Stahle , Jose Villanueva Diaz
Tree-ring Research
Michael D. Dettinger , Malcolm K. Cleaveland , Daniel R. Cayan , David W. Stahle
Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union 82 ( 12) 141 -145
Rosalinda Cervantes-Martínez , Luis U. Castruita-Esparza , Aldo R. Martínez-Sifuentes , Arian Correa-Díaz
Agrociencia 48 ( 7) 725 -737
Larissa L. Yocom , Lorenzo Vázquez Selem , David W. Stahle , José Villanueva Díaz
Investigaciones Geográficas 2015 ( 86) 5 -14
Richard Seager , Mingfang Ting , Michael DAVIS , Mark CANE
Atmosfera 22 ( 1) 1 -31
David W. Stahle , Vicenta Constante García , José Villanueva Díaz , Juan Estrada Ávalos
Revista mexicana de ciencias forestales 4 ( 20) 9 -19