Jimmy Molyneux , Lee Herrrington , Ben Riley , Richard Jones
Physiotherapy Research International 25 ( 3)
AM Clarke-Cornwell , J Molyneux , LC Herrington , R Jones
JO Hatcher , LC Herrington , S Wiggins
JO Hatcher , LC Herrington
Saud Alarifi , LC Herrington , RK Jones
HS Ghulam , LC Herrington , P Comfort , R Jones
Journal of Athletic Enhancement 2015 ( 2) 1 -5
LC Herrington , SM Alarifi , R Jones
The American Journal of Sports Medicine 45 ( 12)
H Greuel , LC Herrington , A Liu , R Jones
Sports Med 50 839 -43
H Greuel , LC Herrington , A Liu , R Jones
Sports Med 43 503 -7
K Atkin , LC Herrington , FS Alenezi , P Jones
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LC Herrington , FS Alenezi , MM Alzhrani , H Alrayani
Hip 6 ( 3) 5.8 -5.8
FS Alenezi , LC Herrington , PA Jones , R Jones
Data Processing 20 21 -21
T Bere , JM Alonso , A Wangensteen , DR Bell
Sportverletzung· Sportschaden 30 ( 03) 132 -137
SJ Preece , P Willian , CJ Nester , LC Herrington
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 74
S Preece , P Willan , CJ Nester , P GrahamSmith
Phys Ther 24 91 -97
CA Bramah , SJ Preece , NM Gill , LC Herrington
Age (years) 36 72 -72
TA Mackenzie , LC Herrington , L Funk , I Horsley
Journal of Athletic Enhancement 2015 ( 5) 1 -4
TA Mackenzie , LC Herrington , L Funk , I Horsley
Journal of Athletic Enhancement 2015 ( 5) 1 -6
PA Jones , LC Herrington , P Graham-Smith
Clinical Biomechanics 31 ( 1)
C Simmonds , JO Hatcher , LC Herrington