N.P. Moshkin , V.V. Pukhnachev , Yu.D. Bozhkov
International Journal of Non-linear Mechanics 116 32 -38
Yu D Bozhkov , S Dimas , OML Duque
AIP Conference Proceedings 2164 ( 1)
Yu D Bozhkov , VV Pukhnachev , TP Pukhnacheva
AIP Conference Proceedings 1684 ( 1)
Yu Bozhkov , S Dimas
AIP Conference Proceedings 2953 ( 1)
Yu Bozhkov
American Institute of Physics Conference Series 2522 ( 1) 090003 -090003
Yuri D Bozhkov , Igor L Freire , Computaçao Cientıfica-IMECC
Yuri D Bozhkov , Igor L Freire , Computaçao Cientıfica-IMECC
YURI Bozhkov
Riv. Mat. Univ. Parma (5) 4 61 -68
YD Bozhkov , IL Freire
arXiv preprint math.AP/0703700
YD Bozhkov , PR da Conceição
American Institute of Physics Conference Series 2302 ( 1) 060001 -060001
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Yuri Bozhkov , Antonio Carlos Gilli Martins
Università degli Studi di Trieste. Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche
Yuri Bozhkov
Advances in Differential Equations 2 ( 3) 403 -426
Yuri Bozhkov , Yuri Bozhkov , Igor Leite Freire , Igor Leite Freire
arXiv: Analysis of PDEs
Yuri Bozhkov , Enzo Mitidieri
Journal of Differential Equations 190 ( 1) 239 -267
Yuri Bozhkov
Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 1 022
Yuri Bozhkov , Enzo Mitidieri
Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 3 053
Yuri Bozhkov , Peter J Olver
Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 7 055
Yuri Bozhkov
Applied Mathematics Letters 23 ( 10) 1166 -1169