Nurwanto Nurwanto
Islamadina 9 ( 1) 42172
Nurwanto Nurwanto , Naufal Ahmad Rijalul Alam
ISLAMADINA 19 ( 2) 1 -26
Nurwanto Nurwanto
Afkaruna: Indonesian Interdisciplinary Journal of Islamic Studies 11 ( 2) 260 -267
Nurwanto Nurwanto
Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies 3 ( 1) 149 -173
Nurwanto Nurwanto , Wahdan Najib Habiby
Scholaria: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan 10 ( 1) 1 -11
Agung Suwandaru , Thamer Alghamdi , Nurwanto Nurwanto
Economies 9 ( 4) 146 -146
Nurwanto Nurwanto , Ghoffar Ismail , Farida Amalia
International Conference on Sustainable Innovation Track Humanities Education and Social Sciences (ICSIHESS 2021) 271 -279
Sunardi Sunardi , Nurwanto Nurwanto
Urwatul Wutsqo: Jurnal Studi Kependidikan Dan Keislaman 13 ( 1) 156 -167
Akif Khilmiyah , Nurwanto Nurwanto
Jurnal Surya Masyarakat 5 ( 1) 106 -114
Nurwanto Nurwanto
Journal for the Academic Study of Religion 31 ( 1) 99 -100
Nurwanto Nurwanto
Afkaruna: Indonesian Interdisciplinary Journal of Islamic Studies 8 ( 1) 14 -24
Nurwanto Nurwanto
Nurwanto Nurwanto
A Suwandaru , T Alghamdi , N Nurwanto
Asep Purnama Bahtiar , N Nurwanto
Citra Karsa Mandiri
N Nurwanto , F Setiawan
International Indonesia Forum on Discourses Exploring the Space between Tradition and Modernity in Indonesia at Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia
N Nurwanto
The First Asian Postgraduate Research Conference Improving Human Life 173 -186
Khoiru Nurfitri , Ismail Abdurrozzaq Zulkarnain , N Nurwanto ,
J-SAKTI (Jurnal Sains Komputer dan Informatika) 4 ( 1) 49 -53
N Nurwanto ,
Nurwanto , Carole M Cusack