D. T. Kutas , A. Nascimento , A. M. Elmgerbi , A. Roohi
information processing and trusted computing
A. Nascimento , A. Elmgerbi , A. Roohi , M. Prohaska
SPE Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference: SPE Conference
E. de Barros , A. N. Campos , F. R. Silveira , L. R. de Camargo
IEEE Latin America Transactions 14 ( 5) 2059 -2065
C. Da Costa , M. Kashiwagi , M. H. Mathias
2014 International Conference on Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence - ICCSAI2014
C Da Costa , M. Kashiwagi , M. H. Mathias
VII Congresso Nacional de Engenharia Mecânica - CONEM 2014
Luis F de Almeida , José WP Bizarria , Francisco CP Bizarria , Mauro H Mathias
Journal of Vibration and Control 21 ( 16) 3456 -3464
Cesar Da Costa , Ronaldo S Da Gama , Carlos E Nascimento , Iago M Brandão
IOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IOSR-JEEE) 13 ( 1) 43 -53
Everton C Medeiros , Airton Nabarrete , Marcela A Cruchaga , Willy RP Mendonça
International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration 26 ( 1) 64 -69
MH Mathias , RJG Oliveira , RK Koroiva , RA Morgado Jr
M Kashiwagi , C Da Costa , MH Mathias
RE&PQJ 10 ( 4)
DT Kutas , A Nascimento , AM Elmgerbi , A Roohi
International petroleum technology conference D041S051R003 -D041S051R003
Mauro Hugo MATHIAS
Ambiente Multimídia de Suporte à Disciplina de Pós-Graduação, Capitulo 2
Prg Kurka , Mauro Hugo Mathias , N. S. Ferguson , C. Mei
Structural Dynamics: Recent Advances - Proceedings of the 5th International Conference, Vols I and Ii 592 -599
V. D. Gonçalves , Mauro Hugo Mathias
Tribologia - Finnish Journal of Tribology 27 ( 4) 21 -28
Valdeci Donizete Gonçalves , Mauro Hugo Mathias , Luis Fernando de Almeida
Strojniski Vestnik-journal of Mechanical Engineering 56 ( 4) 277 -281
Cesar da Costa , Masamori Kashiwagi , Mauro Hugo Mathias
Case Studies in Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 1 15 -26
Everaldo de Barros , Carlos d’Andrade Souto , Mauro Hugo Mathias
Metrology and Measurement Systems 22 ( 4) 559 -564
Mauro Hugo Mathias , José Eduardo Michelini , Marli La Selva , Luiz Henrique Baptista
International Mobility Technology Conference and Exhibit
Alexandre Garcia , Mauro Hugo Mathias , Francisco Carlos Parquet Bizarria
2006 SAE Brasil Congress and Exhibit
Gerhard Thonhauser , José Luiz Gonçalves , Mauro Hugo Mathias , Andreas Nascimento
Journal of Energy Resources Technology-transactions of The Asme 139 ( 1) 012902