Recent mass-wasting processes and related geohazard at Stromboli and Vulcano (Italy)

Alessandro Bosman , Claudia Romagnoli , Francesco Latino Chiocci , Daniele Casalbore
Bollettino Della Societa Geologica Italiana

Nuovi dati sulla struttura sommersa del settore nord-orientale di Vulcano: implicazioni per le condizioni di stabilità del cono della Fossa.

A. Bosman , P. Tommasi , F. Rispoli , F. L. Chiocci
Assemblea Conclusiva del Programma Quadro GNV INGV-Protezione Civile 2000-2003 190 -190

Paleo-landscape reconstruction of a possible pre-Neolithic site in Pantelleria Island, Central Mediterranean Sea.

A. Bosman , Claudia Romagnoli , F. Antonioli , D. Casalbore
Final Conference of COST Action TD0902 - Submerged Prehistoric Archaeology and Landscapes of the Continental Shelf 101 -101

Fast coastal processes on volcanic shorelines: the case of Stromboli, Italy.

Claudia Romagnoli
China-Italy Bilateral Symposium on the coastal zone: evolution and safeguard. 25 -31

Sedimentary and morphological features of a very shallow river delta: integration of high resolution multibeam bathymetry and satellite images of Po di Pila Delta (Italy)

Emanuela Molinaroli , Claudia Romagnoli , Fantina Madricardo , Trincardi Fabio
GEOHAB 2018: Marine Geological & Biological Habitat Mapping – 18th International Symposium

Mapping active faults in the Sea of Galilee, Israel - a multi-disciplinary approach

Antonio Caracausi , Luca Gasperini , Adriano Mazzini , Guy Lang
EGUGA 9436

Innovative Strategies, Monitoring and Analysis of the Coastal Erosion Risk: the STIMARE Project

Angela Barbanente , Matteo Gianluca Molfetta , Luigi Pratola , Renata Archetti
The 29th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference 3836 -3844

Bathymorphological map of Stromboli volcano (Italy)

A. Bosman , F. L. Chiocci , Claudia Romagnoli

The “Atlas of submerged depositional terraces along the Italian coasts”: a case-history collection.

F. L. Chiocci , S. D’Angelo , Claudia Romagnoli
IGCP 464-4th Annual Conference 12 -13

Le spiagge di Stromboli: una competizione tra mare e vulcano (Cap.10.3)

Claudia Romagnoli
Regione Sicilia-Comune di Lipari 327 -330

Fast coastal processes on volcanic coastlines: the case of Stromboli, Italy.

Claudia Romagnoli
Surtsey 50th Anniversary Conference 71 -71

Santa Maria Island's (Azores Archipelago) geological evolution: new insights from high-resolution marine geophysical data.

Rui Quartau , Claudia Romagnoli , Ricardo Ramalho , Daniele Casalbore
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 2422

Evaluating the distribution of priority benthic habitats through a remotely operated vehicle to support conservation measures off Linosa Island (Sicily Channel, Mediterranean Sea)

Federica Costantini , Gabriella Di Martino , Sara Innangi , Renato Tonielli
Aquatic Conservation-marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 2 1 -14

Considerazioni di rischio vulcanico (Cap. 10.2- Stromboli).

Claudia Romagnoli
Regione Sicilia-Comune di Lipari 323 -326

Submarine and Subaerial Morphological Changes Associated with the 2014 Eruption at Stromboli Island

Federico Di Traglia , Alessandro Bosman , Claudia Romagnoli , Francesco Latino Chiocci
Remote Sensing 13 ( 11) 2043

Bedforms on the submarine flanks of insular volcanoes: New insights gained from high resolution seafloor surveys

Daniele Casalbore , Michael A. Clare , Ed L. Pope , Rui Quartau
Sedimentology 68 ( 4) 1400 -1438

Imprints of volcanic, erosional, depositional, tectonic and mass-wasting processes in the morphology of Santa Maria insular shelf (Azores)

Alessandro Ricchi , Rui Quartau , Ricardo S. Ramalho , Claudia Romagnoli
Marine Geology 424 106163