Tsunami inundation scenarios of the city of Catania, Eastern Sicily, Italy.

Stefano Tinti , Alberto Armigliato , Gianluca Pagnoni , Roberto Tonini
EGUGA 7000

Tsunami vulnerability analysis in the coastal town of Catania, Sicily: methodology and results

Stefano Tinti , Gianluca Pagnoni , Filippo Zaniboni , Sara Carolina Gallazzi
The EGU General Assembly 12 6641

Studio di maremoti prodotti da frane e terremoti mediante simulazioni numeriche

Gianluca Pagnoni
Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna

Effects of the 29 September 2009 tsunami on the Western Samoan coasts

Beatriz Brizuela , Gianluca Pagnoni , Roberto Tonini
EGUGA 8977

Tsunami hazard assessment for the area of Siracusa and Augusta (eastern Sicily, Italy) by means of numerical techniques

Stefano Tinti , Alberto Armigliato , Gianluca Pagnoni , Filippo Zaniboni
EGUGA 4305

Scenarios of giant tsunamis of tectonic origin in the mediterranean

Stefano Tinti , Alberto Armigliato , Gianluca Pagnoni , Filippo Zaniboni
ISET Journal of earthquake technology 42 ( 4) 171 -188

The need for a Decision Support System in tsunami early warning practice in case of near-shore sources

Stefano Tinti , Alberto Armigliato , Gianluca Pagnoni , Filippo Zaniboni
The Twenty-second International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference 89 -94

Modeling and Detection of Hydrodynamic Trends for Advancing Early-Tsunami Warnings

Stefano Tinti , Rachid Omira , Martin Hammitzsch , Alberto Armigliato
The Twenty-third International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference 40 -47

Influence of the Heterogeneity of the Seismic Source On the Timely Detectability of a Tsunami: Implications For Tsunami Early Warning In the Central Mediterranean

Stefano Tinti , Alberto Armigliato , Gianluca Pagnoni , Filippo Zaniboni
The Twenty-second International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference

Studio preliminare sulla sorgente del terremoto del 20 febbraio 1743 in Puglia meridionale a partire da dati di tsunami

Stefano Tinti , Alberto Armigliato , Gianluca Pagnoni , Sara Carolina Gallazzi
26° Convegno Nazionale, GNGTS 2007 36 -37

The landslide and tsunami phenomena of December 30, 2002 at Stromboli island (italy): field observations and numerical simulations

Stefano Tinti , Anna Manucci , Alberto Armigliato , Gianluca Pagnoni
32nd International Geological Congress

Constraints on the source of the 20th February 1743 tsunamigenic earthquake in Apulia, Italy, from numerical tsunami modelling and geological evidences

Stefano Tinti , Alberto Armigliato , Gianluca Pagnoni , G. Mastronuzzi
IUGG XXIV General Assembly 2007 1822 -1822

The role of GPS observations in a Tsunami Early Warning System suitable for near-shore tsunami detection and forecast

Stefano Tinti , Alberto Armigliato , Gianluca Pagnoni
European geosciences union general assembly 13

Active tectonics along the submarine slope of south-eastern Sicily: the case of the 1693 earthquake and tsunami

Stefano Tinti , A. Argnani , Alberto Armigliato , Gianluca Pagnoni
European geosciences union general assembly

Tsunami vulnerability assessment for harbours of the Adriatic coast of Apulia, Italy, performed through the worst-case tsunami scenarios approach

Stefano Tinti , Alberto Armigliato , Gianluca Pagnoni , Filippo Zaniboni
European geosciences union general assembly 13

Worst-case scenario approach to the tsunami hazard assessment for the Apulian coasts (southern Italy)

Stefano Tinti , Alberto Armigliato , Gianluca Pagnoni , Filippo Zaniboni
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 4946

The calibration of the Tsunami Early Detection Algorithm TEDA for the coastal tide-gauge of Siracusa, Sicily.

Stefano Tinti , Gianluca Pagnoni , Lidia Bressan
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 3482

Probabilistic tsunami hazard assessment for the coasts of Italy: preliminary results in the frame of the RITMARE Project

Stefano Tinti , Alberto Armigliato , Gianluca Pagnoni , Filippo Zaniboni