Researches on the determination of phenological stages, growth and development characteristics of some grape cultivars grown in Amasya province.

H. Çeli̇k , C. Karani̇s
Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 15 ( 2) 73 -79

Studies on viticulture in Merzifon district and its developments.

B. Onur , H. Çeli̇k , B. Köse
Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi 26 ( 2) 169 -175

Effect of leaf size and IBA on rooting and root quality of Japanese privet, rock coteneaster and ornamental pomegranate mini cuttings

H. Çelik , D. Çelik , Ş. Çakır , B. Altun
XXX. International Horticultural Congress (IHC2018), Ornamental Horticulture: Colour Your World" (S15), August 12-16, 2018, Istanbul, Turkey (Oral Presentation, Full Paper). ( 1263) 253 -263

Comparison of antioxidant capacity and phenolic compound contents in different tissues of sixteen red grape cultivars grown at Kalecik Viticultural Research and Experiment Station in Ankara, Turkey

N. Yüksel , D. , Tahmaz , H.
XXX International Horticultural Congress IHC2018: International Symposium on Viticulture: Primary Production and Processing 1276 131 -138

Vine Description, Berry Chemical Characteristics and Phenolic Compounds of First Registered Foxy Grape Cultivars in Turkey

H. Çelik , B. Köse , S. Ateş
XXX. International Horticultural Congress (IHC2018), “International Symposium Viticulture: Primary Production and Processing” (S13), August 12-16, 2018, Istanbul, Turkey (Oral Presentation, Full Paper). 1 ( 1) 1 -1

Phenolic Compound Amounts in the Skin and Seeds of Some Varieties and Types of Vitis Labrusca L. Cultivated in Turkey.

G. Söylemezoglu , D. Yüksel , H. Tahmaz , B. Demirer
XXX. International Horticultural Congress (IHC2018), “International Symposium Viticulture: Primary Production and Processing” (S13), August 12-16, 2018, Istanbul, Turkey (Poster Presentation, Full Paper). 1 ( 1) 1 -1

Comparison of Antioxidant Capacity and Phenolic Compound Contents in Different Tissues of 16 Red Grape Cultivars Grown in Kalecik Which Is One of the Important Vineyards in Turkey

G. Söylemezoglu , D. Yüksel , H. Tahmaz , B. Demirer
XXX. International Horticultural Congress (IHC2018), “International Symposium Viticulture: Primary Production and Processing” (S13), August 12-16, 2018, Istanbul, Turkey (Oral Presentation, Full Paper). 1 ( 1) 1 -1

Maviyemiş, süper sağlık meyvesi.

H. Çelik , D. Çelik Çil , E Acar
Tarım Türk Dergisi Fidancılık 72 ( 13) 30 -36

The Effects of Different Treatments on Seed Germination of Cypress Tree

M. Tütüncü , D. Çelik Çil , H. Çelik
IV. International Agr. Congress 1 ( 1) 1 -1

Farklı Vitis türlerine mensup üzüm çeşit ve genotiplerinde hastalıklara dayanıklığın farklı yöntemlerle belirlenmesi

A. Atak , Z. Polat , A. Akkurt , Z. Göksel
Türkiye 9. Bağcılık ve Teknolojileri Sempozyumu, 11-14/09/2017, Ankara. Sözlü sunum. 1 ( 1)

Use of Different Methods to determine disease resistance of some Vitis spp.

A. Atak , Z. Polat , A. Akkurt , Z. Göksel
VIII Scientific Agriculture Symposium, 5-8/10/2017, Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Oral Presentation. 1 ( 1)

Effect of cutting time and IBA on rooting of Rhododendron summer cuttings collected from Turkish flora.

B. Altun , H. Çelik , H. Gümüş , S. Sağlam
3rd International Agricultural Congress, 14-18/08/2017, Makedonya, Skopje, 47p. Sözlü Sunum. 1 ( 1)

Evaluation of Vaccinium arctostaphylos selections from the Artvin and Trabzon provinces of Turkey

A Islam , H Ã elik , U Serdar
IX International Vaccinium Symposium 810 129 -132

Süper meyve gojiberry (kurt üzümü) (Super berry fruit, gojiberry)

Hüseyin. Çelik , Figen Yayla Çetin
KÖYÜM Bitkisel Üretim ve Hayvancılık Dergisi 2 ( 20) 76 -80