Rhizophagus clarus and phosphate alter the physiological responses of Crotalaria juncea cultivated in soil with a high Cu level

Paulo Ademar Avelar Ferreira , Carlos Alberto Ceretta , Hilda Hildebrand Soriani , Tadeu Luiz Tiecher
Applied Soil Ecology 91 37 -47

Frações de fósforo no solo após sucessivas aplicações de dejetos de suínos em plantio direto

Luciano Colpo Gatiboni , Carlos Alberto Ceretta , Felipe Lorensini , Tadeu Luis Tiecher
Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira 45 ( 6) 593 -602

Available, Surface Runoff and Leaching of Forms of Phosphorus in Soil With Addition of Organic And Mineral Sources of Nutrients

Carlos Alberto Ceretta , Dênis Eduardo Schapanski , Felipe Lorensini , Tadeu Luis Tiecher
한국토양비료학회 학술발표회 초록집 487 -487

Forms of nitrogen and phosphorus transfer by runoff in soil under no-tillage with successive organic waste and mineral fertilizers applications

Cledimar Rogério Lourenzi , Carlos Alberto Ceretta , Nathalia Haydee Riveros Ciancio , Tadeu Luis Tiecher
Agricultural Water Management 248 106779

Soil chemical properties and crop response to gypsum and limestone on a coarse-textured Ultisol under no-till in the Brazilian Pampa biome

Lucas Aquino Alves , Tadeu Luis Tiecher , João Pedro Moro Flores , Dionata Filippi
Geoderma Regional 25

Ecotoxicological responses of Eisenia andrei exposed in field-contaminated soils by sanitary sewage.

Roberta de Moura Lisbôa , Tamiris Rosso Storck , Andressa de Oliveira Silveira , Delmira Wolff
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 214 112049 -112049

Chemical, Biological, and Biochemical Parameters of the Soil P Cycle After Long-Term Pig Slurry Application in No-Tillage System

Tales Tiecher , Tadeu Luis Tiecher , Fábio Joel Kochem Mallmann , Mohsin Zafar
Revista Brasileira De Ciencia Do Solo 41

Determination of environmental fragility of a watershed regarding to swine activity using GIS

Fernanda Maria Follmann , Júlia Caetano Manfio , Rafael Cabral Cruz , Robson Evaldo Gehlen Bohrer
Ciência e Natura 40 33

Nutrient transfers by leaching in a no-tillage system through soil treated with repeated pig slurry applications

Eduardo Girotto , Carlos Alberto Ceretta , Cledimar Rogério Lourenzi , Felipe Lorensini
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 95 ( 1) 115 -131

Impact of Cu concentrations in nutrient solution on growth and physiological and biochemical parameters of beet and cabbage and human health risk assessment

Odair José Schmitt , Gustavo Brunetto , Tatiane Chassot , Tadeu Luis Tiecher
Scientia Horticulturae 272 109558

Effects of Rhizophagus clarus and P availability in the tolerance and physiological response of Mucuna cinereum to copper

Paulo Ademar Avelar Ferreira , Tales Tiecher , Tadeu Luis Tiecher , Wesley de Melo Rangel
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 122 46 -56

High copper content in vineyard soils promotes modifications in photosynthetic parameters and morphological changes in the root system of 'Red Niagara' plantlets.

Vítor Gabriel Ambrosini , Daniel José Rosa , George Wellington Bastos de Melo , Jovani Zalamena
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 128 89 -98

Phosphorus fractions in soil after sucessive pig slurry applications in no-tillage system

Carlos Alberto Ceretta , Felipe Lorensini , Gustavo Brunetto , Eduardo Girotto
Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira 45 ( 6) 593 -602

Atributos químicos de Latossolo após sucessivas aplicações de composto orgânico de dejeto líquido de suínos

Cledimar Rogério Lourenzi , Eloi Erhard Scherer , Carlos Alberto Ceretta , Tadeu Luis Tiecher
Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira 51 ( 3) 233 -242

Mobility of copper and zinc fractions in fungicide-amended vineyard sandy soils

Gustavo Brunetto , Alcione Miotto , Carlos Alberto Ceretta , Djalma Eugênio Schmitt
Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 60 ( 5) 609 -624

Dynamics of sulfate and basic cations in soil solution as affected by gypsum fertilization in an Ultisol of Southern Brazil

Tales Tiecher , Luiz Gustavo De Oliveira Denardin , Amanda Posselt Martins , Osmar Henrique Pias
Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 65 ( 14) 1998 -2012

Soil acidity and aluminum speciation affected by liming in the conversion of a natural pasture from the Brazilian Campos Biome into no-tillage system for grain production

Alcione Miotto , Tales Tiecher , João Kaminski , Gustavo Brunetto
Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 66 ( 2) 138 -151

Contribution of mineral N to young grapevine in the presence or absence of cover crops

Gustavo Brunetto , Felipe Lorensini , Carlos Alberto Ceretta , Paulo Ademar Avelar Ferreira
Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 17 ( 3) 570 -580

Bioaccumulation and oxidative stress caused by pesticides in Cyprinus carpio reared in a rice-fish system.

Barbara Clasen , Vania L Loro , Camila R Murussi , Tadeu Luis Tiecher
Science of The Total Environment 626 737 -743