C. G. Laing , G. Granath , L. R. Belyea , K. E. Allton
Oikos 123 ( 7) 817 -828
RI Early , JP Duffy , IGC Ashton , IMD Maclean
20220354535 -20220354535
D Walker , JD Shutler , EHJ Morrison , DM Harper
Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 22 ( 1) 12 -20
CG Laing , G Granath , LR Belyea , KE Allton
Queen Mary University of London
G. D. Abbott , R. J. Gilkes , N. Prakongkep , C. Laing
Proceedings of the 19th World Congress of Soil Science: Soil solutions for a changing world, Brisbane, Australia, 1-6 August 2010. Symposium 2.2.1 Biogeochemical interfaces in soils 195 -197
K. Allton , L. R. Belyea , C. Laing
AGUFM 2009
K. Allton , L. Belyea , G. Abbott , A. Muhammad
AGUFM 2010
Christopher G. Laing , Timothy G. Shreeve , Deborah M.E. Pearce
Soil Biology & Biochemistry 42 ( 8) 1320 -1328
Geoffrey D. Abbott , Eleanor Y. Swain , Aminu B. Muhammad , Kathryn Allton
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 106 ( 106) 177 -191
Christophe Patterson , Matt Slater , Regan Early , Chris Laing
Marine Biodiversity Records 13 ( 1) 1 -7
Christophe Patterson , Chris Laing , Regan Early
Marine Biology 169 ( 2) 30 -30
EY Swain , L Belyea , C Laing , G Cowie
AB Muhammad , L Belyea , G Cowie , C Laing
Christopher Graham Laing , Timothy George Shreeve , Deborah Marie Elizabeth Pearce ,
Global Change Biology 14 ( 4) 916 -924
Christopher Graham Laing ,
Oxford Brookes University