Jonathan C Routh , Rohit Tejwani , John S Wiener , J Todd Purves
J Todd Purves , Laura Spruill , Eric Rovner , Elyse Borisko
Neurourology and Urodynamics 36 ( 4) 1015 -1019
Brian M Inouye , Francis M Hughes Jr , Huixia Jin , Robin Lütolf
Research and Reports in Urology 10 219 -225
Shelby N Harper , Patrick D Leidig , Francis M Hughes Jr , Huixia Jin
Research and Reports in Urology 11 319 -325
Francis M Hughes Jr , Armand Allkanjari , Michael R Odom , Huixia Jin
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Cody L Dunton , J Todd Purves , Francis M Hughes , Jiro Nagatomi
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Byron W Hayes , Hae Woong Choi , Abhay PS Rathore , Chunjing Bao
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Marc P Schneider , Francis M Hughes , Anne K Engmann , J Todd Purves
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Austin M Eckhoff , Ashton A Connor , Julie KM Thacker , Dan G Blazer
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George Kasotakis , Wei Chen , David L Corcoran , Judie A Howrylak
Ethan D Borre , Matthew L Maciejewski , Arlene Fink , Melissa Burnside
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Britney N Hudson , J Todd Purves , Francis M Hughes , Jiro Nagatomi
International Urology and Nephrology 56 ( 5) 1565 -1575
K Tyler Hobbs , Madison Krischak , Rohit Tejwani , J Todd Purves
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Rebecca J Fairchild , Leonid I Aksenov , Kevin T Hobbs , Madison K Krischak
Journal of Pediatric Urology 19 ( 1) 55 -63
Rebecca J Fairchild , Leonid I Aksenov , Rohit Tejwani , Taylor Hughes
Journal of Pediatric Urology 19 ( 3) 339 -341
Leonid I Aksenov , Rebecca J Fairchild , Zachary R Dionise , Rohit Tejwani
Journal of Pediatric Urology 18 ( 5) 674. e1 -674. e8
Taylor L Hughes , Kirsten Simmons , Rohit Tejwani , Kevin T Hobbs
Journal of Urology 206 ( Supplement 3) e473 -e474
Jason Chandrapal , Kirsten Simmons , J Todd Purves , John S Wiener
Journal of pediatric rehabilitation medicine 14 ( 4) 597 -604
J Todd Purves , John P Gearhart
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J Todd Purves , Andrew D Baird , John P Gearhart
Journal of pediatric urology 4 ( 2) 150 -153