Understanding the properties, wave drivers, and impacts of electron microburst precipitation: Current understanding and critical knowledge gaps

Sadie S Elliott , Aaron Breneman , Christopher Colpitts , Jacob Bortnik
Frontiers in astronomy and space sciences 9 1062422 -1062422

Jupiter's low‐altitude auroral zones: Fields, particles, plasma waves, and density depletions

Ali H Sulaiman , BH Mauk , JR Szalay , F Allegrini
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 127 ( 8) e2022JA030334 -e2022JA030334

Juno's multi-instruments observations during the flybys of auroral bright spots in Jupiter's polar aurorae

Kamolporn Haewsantati , Bertrand Bonfond , Randy Gladstone , Vincent Hue
Authorea Preprints

Quantifying the Size and Duration of a Microburst‐Producing Chorus Region on 5 December 2017

Sadie Suzanne Elliott , AW Breneman , C Colpitts , JM Pettit
Geophysical Research Letters 49 ( 15) e2022GL099655 -e2022GL099655

A durable electron density profile near the inner edge of the Io torus

William S Kurth , George Blair Hospodarsky , Jeremy B Faden , John Douglas Menietti
Authorea Preprints

Electron Densities in Jupiter's Upper Ionosphere Inferred from Juno Plasma Wave Observations

William S Kurth , Jeremy B Faden , Jack Hunter Waite , Ali H Sulaiman
Authorea Preprints

Plasma Waves Associated with the Io Footprint Tail

Jack Connerney , Bertrand Bonfond , Frederic Allegrini , Donald Gurnett
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 9754

Jovian high-latitude electron densities measured by Juno/Waves

Sadie Elliott , William S Kurth , Jeremy Faden , Ali H Sulaiman
AGU Fall Meeting 2020

Plasma Waves Associated with Broadband Auroral Electron Spectra at Jupiter

Ondrej Santolik , George Hospodarsky , Randy Gladstone , Barry Mauk
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 8519

An overview of Jovian auroral acceleration processes: emphasis on energetic charged particle observations from NASA’s Juno mission

Abigail M Rymer , Frederic Allegrini , William S Kurth , Robert W Ebert
AGU Fall Meeting 2020

Plasma waves in the inner Jovian magnetosphere at low to mid-latitudes

Frederic Allegrini , William Kurth , George Hospodarsky , Barry Mauk

Investigation of the drivers and atmospheric impacts of energetic electron precipitation

Joshua Pettit , Sadie Elliott , Cora Randall , Alexa Halford
Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences 10 1162564 -1162564

Understanding the properties, wave drivers, and impacts of electron microburst precipitation: current understanding and critical knowledge gaps

Sadie Elliott , Allison Jaynes , Jacob Bortnik , Aaron Breneman
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 55 ( 3) 103 -103

Location of EMIC Wave Events Relative to the Plasmapause: Van Allen Probes Observations

Sadie Elliott , Mark J Engebretson , Jennifer L Posch , Craig Kletzing
2015 AGU Fall Meeting

Towards Unifying Jupiter’s X-rays with Radio, UV, Magnetic Field and Plasma Observations

William R Dunn , Zhonghua Yao , Emma E Woodfield , Ali Sulaiman
Magnetospheres of the Outer Planets meeting 2022

Juno in situ observations of waves and particles connected to UV polar bright spots in Jupiter’s auroras

Kamolporn Haewsantati , Bertrand Bonfond , Suwicha Wannawichian , Randy Gladstone
Magnetospheres of the Outer Planets meeting 2021